{Chapter 19}

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Kendall's Pov:
It's been a few weeks since my birthday and things have been okay. Tonight Chase went out with his friends and I'm gonna surprise him by showing up at the bar. The kids are staying with their grandparents. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and headed to the bar. I walked in and I stopped dead in my tracks. Chase was dancing with this girl but they weren't only dancing she was kissing on him and whispering in his ear..And he didn't stop her! I walked over and pulled them apart.

"Chase what the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Baby it's not what it looks like!"

"Shut the fuck up! And you don't lay another fucking finger on him!" I pointed to the girl. "I came here to surprise you and I see you kissing and flirting with another woman! Fuck you Chase! Your friends have done left so find a way home or even better don't come home!" I walked out and back to the car. That's when everything hit me. Tears were rolling down my face. I took a drive. No directions or nothing. I just felt like getting away. "Fucking asshole." I mumbled. My phone rang and it was Chase, I hit ignore. I pulled over and my phone lit up.

1 unread message from: Chase💕😏
I'm sorry. Please come back to the house and we can talk..

No go to a fucking hotel! I don't want you in the house tonight after everything you fucking did I don't want you near me and I don't want to see you!

I kept driving. It was currently 4:30am but I didn't care. I wanted to clear my mind. Ty texted me and told me to come over. I headed to his house.

"Hey." He gave me a small smile.

"Hi." I let go, everything poured out of me.

"You wanna stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah." I smiled. We were sitting on the couch. I feel asleep.

I woke up to a doorbell going off. I opened my eyes and blinked. I looked around. Ty was laying on the other side of the couch. I opened the door and it was Chase.

"What?" I asked.

"I went every fucking where looking for you! Kendall I'm sorry.. I was fucking drunk and you know how I am. I thought it was you okay. I looked around and I saw her and she looked like you. I had to many drinks and it all ended fucking horrible! I'm sorry."

"Chase. You fucking hurt me! You were kissing a girl and flirting with her! Why didn't your friends stop you?"

"They weren't paying attention to me! They were all getting fucking wasted and banged in the bathroom! I didn't do nothing with her! I promise. She started kissing me and flirting and I thought it was you."

"Chase I really hope you know you fucked up! I was an asshole and I'm sorry I didn't let you talk. I was scared, pissed, upset. I took a long ass drive into another city and then Ty called me and asked if I wanted to hang out. I let everything out and then ended up falling asleep." I sighed. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "Chas-" I was cut off by a pair of lips meeting with mine.

"Listen I'm sorry and I know I fucked up bad. I never wanna lose you and you have every right to hate the living shit out of me. I love you Kendall." He hugged me. I gave him a kiss and he held me tightly. I forgave him.

After that little moment we had, Ty decided to say something.

"Y'all not to bother you or anything but uh you want breakfast?" He smiled.

"Sure." I replied taking a seat at the table. Chase sat next to me and put his hand on my knee.

Ty made breakfast and we all ate. After we ate Chase walked me to my car and told me goodbye and kissed me.

"I'll see you when you get home. Be careful." I said kissing him through the window. "Bye." I waved as I drove off.

~Chase's Pov:

I got home and it was dark and quiet in the house.

"Kendall?" I yelled. "You home?"

"Upstairs!" She yelled back. I walked upstairs to our bedroom and saw her laying on the bed with her lace panties and bra.

"Well hello. Why are you half naked?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I bought these new bras and panties and decided to surprise you." She smirked. "You like them?"

"I love them!" I laughed. After our fun I was laying on her chest. "You know what would be fun?"

"What baby?"

"A beach trip. Me, you, the kids, Jen and Ty." I smiled up at her.

"Yeah! It is summer and I feel like the kids would love it! I'll call Jen and Ty and ask them." She kissed me. She got up and walked to the bathroom and slid on her panties and my shirt. "I'll be right back." She said going down the stairs.

~Kendall's Pov:

I call Jen and she said they would love to go! We decided to leave tomorrow and we'll pick the kids up from Chase's parents house. I walked back upstairs and laid down on the bed.


"Yeah baby?"

"Will you cuddle with me?" I asked.

"Of course princess." He pulled me into his chest and kissed my head.

*Authors note!*
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in forever, School is finally out and it's finally summer so I can write more! Next chapter will be the beach trip! Comment what ya think! Thanks for reading<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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