{Chapter 13}

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It's been a few weeks since we found out we're having a baby. We haven't told anybody yet but we're having a little get together tonight and we plan on telling them. The coffee shop has been going well. Jen and I have been hanging out more. Elli has been enjoying school and has made a lot of new friends.

I got up this morning not feeling my best. I felt nauseous and I had a headache. It's a Saturday morning and I have to set up everything for this afternoon. Chase was asleep and so was Elli. I walked downstairs and fed Daisy. I fixed breakfast and set it on the island and put out their drinks. As I was about to turn the corner to go upstairs I ran into a bare chest.

"Well good morning.." I laughed.

"Morning darlin'. How are you feeling this morning? I heard you get up and run to the bathroom earlier." Chase kissed my head and sat down in the stool and grabbed my hands.

"I'm okay.. Not the best but I'll be alright." I smiled. "Is Elli up?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Nope not yet." He replied. He grabbed my hips and put his forehead on mine. "I love you." He whispered while kissing my neck.

"Chase.. Not right now." I whispered pushing him back a little. He frowned and did the puppy dog eyes. "Aww... Maybe later. I have to get everything ready for today. Oh and I need you to go get the cupcakes!" I smiled. I maybe a little to excited...

"Alright. Do I need to help decorate before I get the cupcakes?" He asked. I nodded and kissed his head. He let go of my hands and got up. He walked over to the fridge and opened it.

"Chase baby there's breakfast on the counter! I'm gonna take a shower and get ready then we'll decorate!" I yelled walking upstairs.

"Thank you baby!" He yelled back. I smiled and walked into the bedroom.

After I took my shower and got dressed I put my hair up and did my makeup. I was wearing a cute tank top with some flowers on it and my shorts and a pair of flip flops. It's still kinda hot here and I wanted to be comfortable. I walked downstairs and saw Elli and Chase eating. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture before they both turned around and looked at me smiling.

"Morning Ken!" Elli said with a mouth full of cereal. I laughed and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Elli." I smiled and got some water. I looked at Chase and he winked at me. Everyone finished eating and Chase cleaned the dishes. Elli went upstairs and took her shower and played. While she was upstairs Chase and I decorated.

He hung the banner that said 'We're Having A Baby!' And then I hung some pink and blue onesies. Chase went and got the cupcakes while I did some more decorating. Elli was still upstairs playing. Chase got the cupcakes and set them on the table. I heard Elli walk down the stairs and I looked at Chase. She walked to the end step and stopped. She looked at the banner then at Chase and I. She looked at me and I saw a smile spread across her face.

"Really?! I'm gonna be a big sister!" She ran up to us and hugged us. She smiled at me and then kissed my stomach. I smiled and looked at Chase. He had the biggest grin ever!

"We're having a party later to tell everyone.. So when people get here we gotta be quite about it until they walk in okay?" I said. She nodded and hugged Chase.

"Is it a boy or girl?" She asked Chase.

"We don't know yet baby. But we'll find out soon!" He replied smiling. She hugged his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go back upstairs. Barbie has a dinner to go to!" Elli said running upstairs. I giggled and looked at Chase.

We sat on the couch and I laid on his shoulder. It's only 2:30 and the party don't start till 3:30. I closed my eyes and felt a blanket go over me.

"Wake up baby." Chase whispered shaking me lightly. "Come on baby you gotta wake up." He said. I opened my eyes and let out a yawn.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3:20." Chase replied. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I did my thing and washed my hands. I fixed my hair and makeup before heading back down. Chase was on the couch watching the game. I checked to make sure everything was ready.

The doorbell rang and I walked over and opened the door. It was Jen and Tyler. I hugged them and let them in.

"No fucking way!" Jen let out a scream. I pointed at her.

"Watch your mouth!" I laughed. She hugged me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"I promise I'll be the best auntie ever! I'll buy he or she the cutest clothes!" She smiled. I laughed and shook my head.

Tyler walked over and hugged me. "Congratulations!" He smiled.

"Thank you." I hugged him.

I heard Elli run down the stairs. She hugged Tyler and Jen and then played tug-of-war with Daisy. Chase's parents arrived shortly after. I opened the door and they both hugged me. His mom walked in and stopped right at the door. She turned around and had tears in her eyes.

"Really? I'm gonna be a grandma?" She asked hugging me.

"Yes ma'am!" I smiled. His dad hugged me and told me congratulations.

After awhile everyone started to arrive. Some of my friends and Chase's.

"Kendall this is Kent. We went to school together. Kent this is Kendall my girlfriend." Chase introduced me to Kent.

"Nice to meet you Kent." I smiled and shook his hand. He nodded. I told Chase I would be in the kitchen helping.

"Damn Chase you gotta hot one!" I heard Kent say as I walked away. I giggled and walked over to the counter.

I walked outside and the kids were playing. I heard Elli screaming.

"Kendall!" She yelled. I walked over and picked her up. "He stole the ball from me!" She pointed to the little boy.

"Ask him nicely if you can have it back." I put her down. She walked over and talked to the little boy. He gave her the ball back and she started playing again. I walked back inside.

I sat on the couch and Jen was smiling. I laid my head back and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Jen asked. I looked at her.

"Just tired." I smiled. She nodded. Chase walked behind me and rubbed my shoulders.

"You alright baby?" He leaned down and kissed my head.

"Yeah just tired." I replied. He smiled. It was getting later and everyone started to head home. I went upstairs and Chase was in the bathroom. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.

"Hey baby!" Chase yelled.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Will you bring me a towel?" He asked.

"Yeah." I got up and sighed. I got a towel and opened the bathroom door. The bath tub was filled with bubbles and there were candles lit. Chase smiled and kissed me.

"I got a bubble bath ready for you. And that's your towel." He kissed my head.

"Thank you Chase." I sighed and hugged him.

"Anything for my girl." He hugged me.

I took my bath and relaxed. I got out and got in my pajamas. I walked into the bedroom and laid on the bed. Chase scooted down to my stomach and lifted my shirt.

"Chase what are you doing?" I giggled.

"Talking to the baby." He smiled. "Hey little thing. I'm your dad. I can't wait to meet you and teach how to play baseball and teach you to fish." He kissed my stomach and moved back up to his pillow. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you more." I kissed him.

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