{Chapter 8}

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I looked in the mirror and sighed. I pulled my hair up and brushed my teeth and did my makeup. It's almost Christmas and it's cold as hell here! Me and Chase's mom are going Christmas shopping today. Chase said he was going to take Elli out and have fun.

I put on my big jacket and slipped on my boots. I walked downstairs and Chase was sitting on the couch. I grabbed my purse and keys.

"I'll be back soon. I love you. Also Tyler was wondering if he could come over and we could have some beers and hang around." I smiled.

"Sure I'll call him later. Be careful. I love you." He kissed me and opened the door. "See you later baby. Tell mama I'll call her later also." He smiled.

"Okay. Bye." I walked to my truck and started it. I headed to his mama's house and picked her up and we headed to the mall. "Chase said he'll call you later. He's out with Elli having fun." I said driving.

"Alright. He was telling me about Tyler the other day. How y'all were best friends in high school." She said. We pulled up at the mall and got out.

I shopped around. I got everyone's presents and I went into Victoria Secret. I picked out a few things and some new perfume. I got everything else I needed and met up with Chase's mom. We got some lunch and talked about what we're doing for Christmas.

I put everything away and Chase and Elli weren't home yet. I cleaned up and called Tyler. I told him to come over whenever he gets off of work. I changed into some shorts and a tank cause it is hot in the house. I cleaned the living room, kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and then man cave downstairs. Chase and Elli came in while I was cleaning the man cave.

"Kendall?" Chase yelled. "Kendall! Where are you? I know you're here your truck is here!" He yelled.

"I'm downstairs!" I yelled. He rushed down and looked at me. "What? I'm cleaning. Tyler's coming over and I wanted to clean up." I smiled.

"Elli!" Chase yelled.

"Coming!" She ran down the stairs. "what?" She asked.

"Tell Ken what we did today." He smiled.

"Oh follow me!" She grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. "Here put this on! And this!" She handed me my jacket and a blindfold. She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside and in the cold. She stopped and sighed. "Okay daddy on the count of three!"

"One... Two... Three!" He yelled. I pulled the blindfold off and there was a cute golden lab sitting in the drivers seat of the truck.

"Really? We get to keep her?" I asked picking her up.

"Yep! Now what's her name?" Chase asked.

"I don't know." I looked up at Chase.

"Name her daisy!" Elli yelled.

"Daisy it is then!" I smiled. We walked inside and I let daisy down and she sniffed around. "Chase. I think we need to go to the store and get daisy some stuff.." I smiled.

"Alright let's go. Come on daisy let's go!" He smiled. I picked her up and we got in the truck. We got to the pet store and I picked out two bowls, a leash, a collar, a bed, some toys. We check out and headed home.

I set everything up and sat on the couch. She jumped up and laid in my lap. Chase sat down and kissed my head.

"Thank you!" I kissed him.

"I knew you would love it." He smiled. "What time is Tyler coming?" He asked looking at his phone.

"Whenever he gets off of work. So probably around 6 or 7." I replied. "What should I make for dinner?" I asked.

"Hamburgers and hotdogs." Elli smiled.

"I'll cook them." Chase smiled.

"Alright Elli you wanna help me bake some cookies while daddy cooks the burgers and hotdogs?" I asked. She nodded and got down off the couch. Chase cooked the burgers and hotdogs while Elli and I made chocolate chip cookies.

I set everything on the table and heard the doorbell ring. I opened it and Tyler smiled.

"Hey pretty thing." He hugged me. He always called the girls at school 'Pretty Thing' or 'Sexy Thing'. I just smiled and hugged him back. I moved over and let him in. "Hey Elli. Guess what!" He bent down.

"What?" She asked.

"I got you this." He handed her a pink stuffed elephant. I smiled and went back to the kitchen.

"Elli what do we say?" I pointed to her.

"Thank you Ty." She hugged him.

"Your welcome." He smiled and walked into the kitchen. "You need help with anything?" He asked.

"Nope. Would you like sweet tea?" I asked.

"Sweet tea sounds good." He replied.

"Chase!" I yelled.

"Yeah baby?" He yelled back.

"Are the burgers and hotdogs done?" I asked.

"Yes!" He walked in the sliding door. "Hey Tyler." He set the plate down. We all sat down and started eating. Chase put his hand on my thigh and I felt him move his hand up. I cleared my throat. Tyler looked over confused. I glared at Chase. He moved his hand and looked at me. I just went back to eating.

We finished eating and I cleaned the dishes. Tyler and Elli went and watched Tv in the living room. I felt Chase put his hand on my ass. I looked at him and sighed.

"What Chase?" I asked.

"Your ass is beautiful in those shorts." He kissed me on the neck.

"Chase. Stop. Wait till later please." I turned off the water and walked into the living room. "Elli time for bed." I smiled.

"Okay. Goodnight everyone." She smiled and ran upstairs. I read her a story and she was fast asleep.

I got us all beers and we sat in the man cave. Chase had his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. They talked and I watched Tv. Soon Tyler head home and we headed upstairs. I changed and laid down in our comfy bed. Chase laid next to me and kissed my neck. One thing led to another and I was soon on his chest. I kissed him and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight princess." He rubbed my back.

"Goodnight handsome." I kissed his chest.

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