{Chapter 14}

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I'm still working at the coffee shop but only on the weekends. My back and feet have been hurting a lot this week. Jen is coming by today and she's going with me to the doctors. Today we're figuring out the sex of the baby! I'm so excited!

I took a shower and did my makeup. I got dressed and grabbed my stuff. I went downstairs and got a bottle of water and waited for Jen. I heard her horn honk and I shook my head. I locked the door and headed to her car. We got to the doctors and I sighed.

"I'm so nervous." I laughed. Jen looked at me and smiled.

"It'll be fine." She smiled at me. I nodded and got out of the car.

I got checked in and we waited in the waiting room for what felt like forever! I got called back and I sat on the table. I laid back and the put the jelly stuff on my stomach. I heard the heartbeat.

"Alright. Kendall do you wanna know the gender?" The nurse asked.

"Yes ma'am!" I laughed. She smiled and nodded.

"And you're going to have a... Girl! Congratulations Kendall!" She smiled. I had tears and Jen smiled wide at me. I sat up and she handed me the ultrasounds.

"Oh my god! Congratulations Kendall!" Jen hugged me. We got ready to leave and I made my next appointment. Jen said she was taking me to the mall to get some cute stuff for the baby.

We walked around and got some lunch. I was eating and felt my phone buzz in my lap.

From: Chase
Hey baby. How was the appointment?

It was good. I can't wait to tell you! I'm so excited!

I can't wait babe. When will you be home?

In about an hour. Jen and I are at the mall.

Alright I'll see you then. I love you.

I love you more. Bye.

"Who was that?" Jen asked smirking.

"You should know who it is." I laughed. We finished eating and headed back to the house. I grabbed all the baby stuff and snuck it upstairs. I walked into the bedroom and Chase was laying on the bed. "Hey baby." I kissed him.

"So what are we having?" He asked sitting up.

"I think this weekend we'll go shopping and buy some pink stuff." I smiled. His mouth was wide open.

"Wait! Really? We're having a girl?" He asked hugging me. I nodded with tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Ken! I'm heading home! Ty and I are going to dinner tonight and I gotta be ready when he gets home!" Jen yelled from downstairs. I walked downstairs and said goodbye.

Chase walked down and hugged me from behind.

"How about we all go out tonight and have a family night?" He put his head on my shoulder.

"Okay." I kissed his cheek. Elli walked through the door and hung her backpack up. She walked over and hugged us.

"Am I having a sister or a brother?" She was super excited. I looked at Chase and he nodded.

"It's a girl! But we have to be quiet and not tell anyone yet!" Chase replied hugging her.

"I can't wait!" She jumped up and down. I let out a laugh and hugged her.

"Alright go get dressed. We're going out to dinner." Chase said. She ran upstairs and got ready.

We got our table and sat down. I sat next to Chase and Elli sat across from us. Chase put his hand on my knee and squeezed it. I looked over at him and he winked at me. We all ordered and ate while making small talk. After we ate we went over to the ice cream stand and got us a ice cream. Then we headed home and got ready for bed. I laid down and closed my eyes. I felt the bed move and then felt a arm around my waist.

"How are feeling baby?" Chase whispered rubbing his hand over my stomach.

"I'm okay. My back and feet are hurting." I replied. I saw Chase get up and go to the end of the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"Giving you a foot massage." He replied. He massaged my feet and then my back. He laid back down next to me and kissed my shoulder. I heard my phone ring on my side table. I picked it up and it was Jen.

K: Hello?
J: Kendall! Hi uh sorry to call you so late! I'm on my way to the hospital! Tyler got in a wreck!
K: Calm down Jen. Everything will be alright. Chase and I will be there in a minute!
J: Okay! I have to go! Bye!
K: Bye.

"Come on we gotta go to the hospital! Ty was in a wreck." I said while getting dressed.

"I'll call mama and tell her to watch Elli." He said getting his phone.

We headed to the hospital and saw Jen sitting in the chair crying. I sat down next to her and held her close.

"It's okay Jen. He'll be alright." I whispered. She looked up and held my tightly.

"Excuse me? Are you Jenny?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sir." Jen replied wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I have some good news and bad. The good news is he'll be fine and can go home in a few days. The bad news is he broke his left leg and is pretty bruised up." The doctor said.

"Can I go back and see him?" She squeezed my hand.

"Yes ma'am. Are y'all with her?" He asked Chase and I.

"Yes sir." Chase replied.

"Y'all can go back as well. His room is the third room on the right." He smiled at us.

We headed back and Jen sat next to him and talked to him. We talked to Ty and it was getting late so we said our goodbyes and headed home.

Hey y'all! Sorry it's been awhile since I've update! I'm working on some chapters and hopefully they will be up soon! Thanks for reading<3

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