{Chapter 6}

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It's finally Saturday and I have to work today and then we leave for the beach! Chase is off today and he called his parents and told them to start packing.

I unlocked the door and walked in. I flipped the 'OPEN' sign on and walked to the back. I hung my purse up and turned all the lights on. I got everything ready and someone walked in.

"Hello. What can I get you today?" I asked smiling.

"Can I get a tea please?" The tall brown haired lady asked.

"Of course! Can I get a name?" I asked grabbing a cup.

"Daisy." She smiled. She handed me the money and I got everything ready. I made her drink and handed it to her. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Have a nice day." I smiled and cleaned up the counter where I spilled some ice.

That day went super slow. Although we got a lot of business. I got ready and headed home. I packed my suitcase and packed my bathroom bag and everything. Chase sat on the bed and looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked looking back.

"Nothing just enjoying the view of my smoking hot girlfriend getting everything ready." He smirked. I giggled and put the suitcase on the bed. "I'll take everything down." He smiled and picked up the bags. He took the stuff downstairs to the truck.

We got everyone's stuff in the truck and I buckled Elli up. I got in the truck and she tapped my arm.

"Ken. I'm hungry." She sighed.

"I know we're going to stop. Just give us a minute." I smiled back at her. Chase got in the truck and I looked over at him. "Can we stop and get something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure. Where at?" He looked at Elli and then back to me.

"McDonald's!" Elli shouted.

"Alrighty then. McDonald's it is." He laughed and backed outta the driveway.

We got our food and headed down the highway. Soon we were stuck in traffic. I laid my head in Chase's lap and looked up at him. He smirked and I shook my head and closed my eyes. I sat up and looked around. Yep we're still stuck in traffic. Sigh.

"Daddy! Are we there yet?!" Elli shouted.

"Elli! No yelling please! And no we're not." Chase sighed.

"Ken will you sit back here with me?" She asked tapping my arm.

"Sure." I smiled and hopped out of the truck. I got some weird looks. I hoped in and smiled at her.

"Yay! Can we play Barbies?" She smiled and handed me a blonde Barbie.

"Of course." I smiled and started playing with the Barbies. Soon Elli fell asleep and I crawled up front. "She's asleep." I smiled.

We got to the hotel and got our stuff out. We got our room and settled in. Elli wanted to go down to the beach so we got changed and everyone met up downstairs in the lobby.

"Daddy will you carry me?" She tugged at his shirt. "Please."

"Come here baby." He leaned down and picked her up. We walked down to the beach and it was beautiful. The sky was blue with a lot of clouds. The sand was warm in between your toes. "Alright baby you gotta get down." He leaned down and she let go and smiled.

"It's so pretty!" She squealed. She set up her pink Barbie towel and she got her buckets and started playing.

Chase, his parents and I sat in the chairs and talked while she played.

"Chase!" His mama smiled.

"Yes ma'am?" He looked over.

"What are you doing? I just called your name three times and you didn't answer me!" She laughed.

"Sorry. I was thinking about something." He replied. He grabbed my thigh and squeezed it. I smiled and leaned over. "Baby you wanna walk up to the bar?" He asked.

"Alright. I think I need a drink." I smiled and got up.

We walked up to the bar and got a beer. We sat down and drank our drinks.

"So how about we go on a date tonight?" He asked.

"What about we go mini golfing? Me, you, and Elli. Your parents can have a date night." I smiled.

"Sounds fun." He kissed me and grabbed my hand. We walked down to the beach and looked at the water. "Do you know how sexy you are right now?" He whispered in my ear. I giggled and looked at him. He kissed me hard but gentle so he didn't hurt me. I pulled away and looked into his gorgeous eyes. "I love you Kendall." He smiled.

"I love you too Chase." I bit my lip and hugged him tightly. We walked back up to the chairs and sat down.

"Where did y'all go?" His dad asked.

"We went and got a drink." Chase replied pulling me close. We headed up to the hotel and told his parents the plan and they were happy they finally get a date night.

We got dressed and ready. I loaded Elli into the truck and Chase was behind me. He opened the door and helped me in. We got dinner and headed mini golfing. Elli won and I came in second. It was a fun time. We headed down to some shops and had some fun. I sat next to Chase in the truck and felt his hand in my knee.

"Alright Elli. Where should we go?" Chase asked. She didn't answer. "Elli?" He looked in the back and she was asleep. "Guess she had fun." He laughed.

"I'm also tired." I yawned.

"Well then I guess we'll go back to the hotel." He smiled. We got to the hotel and he got Elli and we headed up to the room. He laid Elli down on her bed and he changed so he was just in his underwear. I changed into some shorts and my tank top. I laid down and felt Chase kissing my neck. "You're so beautiful." He whispered.

"Chase. Not tonight." I whispered.

"But-" He was saying but I cut him off.

"No Chase. Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired." I sighed. I closed my eyes and soon was in dreamland.

I sat up and looked over. Elli and Chase were gone. I got up and got a quick shower and pulled my hair up. I did some light makeup and changed into some shorts and my flowy shirt. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my phone.

Hey baby come downstairs to the café.

I smiled and slid my phone in my back pocket. I walked downstairs and found Chase and Elli sitting at a table. I sat down next to Chase and kissed him.

"Morning baby." I kissed him again.

"Morning beautiful. You want something to eat?" He asked getting up.

"I can get it." I smiled.

"No baby. Sit down I'll get it. Do you want a waffle? Coffee?" He asked.

"A waffle and coffee sounds good." I replied. He got my food and coffee and sat back down. "Thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime gorgeous. Elli do you need anything?" He asked.

"More orange juice. But can I go get it?" She smiled.

"Sure. But don't spill it!" He laughed. She got her drink and came back.

"So where's your parents?" I asked taking a bite of my food.

"I guess they're still in bed. Hold on I'm gonna call them and tell them to come meets us." He grabbed his phone and dialed the number. "Yeah.... Morning... We're in the café... Okay... See you then..." He hung up and smiled. "They'll be down in a minute." He smiled.

"Okay." I said eating the rest of my waffle.

"Daddy can we go shopping?" Elli asked.

"Sure baby." Chase smiled.

We went shopping and had a relaxing day. We relaxed at the pool and I got a tan while Chase and Elli played in the pool.

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