{Chapter 16}

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We're still at the hotel for our anniversary. I woke up and grabbed my stomach. I turned on the lamp and felt my water break. I shook Chase and he shot up.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked looking around.

"Chase, my water broke! We have to go to the hospital!" I tried my best to say while having a contraction. "Get the hospital bag and I'll call your parents." I said getting up. I went to the bathroom and put on Chase's shirt and my shorts. Chase helped me to the truck and we drove to the hospital. While driving I call his parents and they said they'll be here soon. "Let's have this baby!" I smiled at Chase. He nodded and helped me out of the truck and inside.

"Hello! Uh my fiancé is in labor!" He said to the lady at the desk.

"Alright sir, we'll get her a wheelchair and they'll take y'all back to a room." She smiled. They brought me a chair and took us to a room. They helped me onto the bed and got me ready.

"Chase!" I yelled.

"Right here baby." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Shit!" I held his hand tighter than ever. "Contractions hurt like a bitch." I sighed and laid my head back. He kissed my head and whispered in my ear.

"I love you. You can do this. I'm right here." He whispered kissing my cheek. I felt another contraction and let out a scream. The nurse walked in and smiled.

"Alright I'm going to check you real quick." She nodded. She checked me and nodded. "Alright Kendall, it's time!" She clapped her hands together.

We all got ready and I started pushing. After a few hours of pushing I heard that sweet little cry I've been waiting to hear. They laid her on my chest and kissed her head. They took her and cleaned her up. Chase looked at me and had the biggest smile on his face. He leaned down and wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me.

"What are y'all gonna name her?" The doctor asked. I looked at Chase and smiled.

"Emily Jane." I said. Emily was my mothers name and Jane was Chase's grandmothers name.

"Alright. That's a beautiful name." The doctor said.

They brought Emily back and laid her in my arms. The nurse helped me feed her.

"Excuse me, Y'all have some visitors in the waiting room." A doctor walked in. "Do you want me to send them in?"

"Yes please." She nodded and walked out.

Chase sat on the bed next to me and kissed Emily's head.

"She's perfect. I love you." He kissed my cheek and Emily's head.

"I love you too Chase." I said holding his hand.

"Daddy!" Elli ran in and hugged Chase. "Mama!" She kissed my cheek.

"Hey sweetie." I gave her a hug and she sat on the end of the bed.

"What's her name?" She asked holding Emily's hand.

"Her name is Emily Jane." I replied.

"Hey Kendall. She's adorable. I'm so proud of y'all." Chase's mom gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." I replied. I let Chase's mom hold her and she was in awe. Jen walked in and was in tears.

"Oh my, Chase she looks just like you!" Jen laughed. "I brought y'all some stuff." She handed me a cute bag and I started taking out the paper. I pulled out a cute onesie that said 'Daddy's Princess' and it was pink with a tutu. Then I pulled out two blankets and they were adorable! One was pink and it had her name on it and the other one was teal and chevron and said her full name on it. "And I got y'all some flowers but they're in car cause I couldn't carry them in!" She laughed.

"Thank you Jen. Now give me hug!" I laughed. She hugged Chase and I.

  I laid my head back and closed my eyes, well that was until I heard Emily crying. I picked her up and changed her diaper. Everyone went home and it was just Chase, Emily, and I in the room.

"You look tired baby. How about I take Em and you take a nap?" He picked her up and kissed my head.

"Thank you." I laid my head back and closed my eyes and soon I was asleep.

After my nap I relaxed a little and Chase went and got us something to eat. I heard someone knock on the door and Ty poked his head in.

"Hey. Hope I didn't wake you! Just wanted to come by." He walked in.

"No your fine. Chase went and got us something to eat and I've been here watching tv while she sleeps." I gave him a smile.

"I got the little one a teddy bear. Didn't want her to feel left out!" He laughed. I giggled.

"Thank you. You can sit it on the table."

Chase brought our food up and we ate while talking to Ty. Em started crying. I fed her and the changed her diaper. I laid her on my knees and started talking to her.

"Hi baby girl. I'm your mama. You look just like your daddy." I smiled and kissed her head.

"Excuse me, visiting hours are almost over." The nurse smiled walking in. "How are you Kendall?"

"I'm okay. Just tired." I laughed.

"Alright that normal. How's Emily? Is she eating good?"

"Oh yes! Thank you again for helping me!"

"That's good and no problem. If y'all need anything just press that button." She smiled and went out.

Ty left and we got ready for bed. Chase laid next to me and kissed my head.

"Goodnight baby. I love you." He kissed me.

"Goodnight Chase. I love you too." I hugged him.

Hey y'all! How are y'all liking the story? How do y'all like the name? Thanks For Reading<3 Make sure to comment and vote!

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