{Chapter 5}

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Today I'm home with Elli cause she's sick. Jenny understood and told me I could have the whole week off! I was shocked but said okay.

I was sitting in the couch with Elli curled up next to me. She snuggled close and soon fell asleep. I ran my fingers through her hair and laid my head back and soon fell asleep also.

I woke up to being kissed on the head. I opened my eyes and saw Chase smiling.

"Hey baby." He whispered.

"Hi. How was work?" I smiled getting up slowly.

"Alright. But I wish I was home with y'all. How is Elli feeling?" He asked sitting down at the island. I walked to the fridge and got us a cola.

"She's okay. She threw up twice but she was finally able to fall asleep about two hours ago." I replied sitting the drinks down. I sat next to him and kissed him. He smiled at me and pulled me into his lap.

"Thank you for taking care of her while I'm at work." He smiled kissing my head and resting his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. He picked me up and carried me into the living room. He sat in the recliner and I cuddled up on his side.

Elli woke up and ran to the bathroom. We both ran after her and Chase held her hair and sat in the floor with her. I stood in the doorway.

"Come here Elli." Chase patted his lap and she walked over to him and sat down.

"Daddy. I don't wanna be sick anymore." She snuggled up to him.

"I know baby. Come on let's go to the doctors. I made an appointment just to make sure." Chase said getting up and we walked to the truck. He got her buckled in and helped me in.

We waited and they finally called us back. She got checked and they said it was a little bug she must have caught a school and it will be over in a couple days. We got in the truck and headed home.

Elli got a bath and we told her a bedtime story and she was asleep. Chase ordered pizza and we sat in the couch and waited. He was leaned over and kissed my neck and I giggled.

"Chase stop." I laughed.

"No." He nibbled my neck.

"Chase!" I squealed. The doorbell rang and he mumbled something and got up. He got the pizza and paid. We ate and then headed to bed.

I felt a hand on my waist and and rolled over. Chase had half of his body covered in the sheet. I looked down and I remembered what happened last night. I quickly got up and put on a pair of Chase's boxers and his t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my hair up. I walked into Ellie's room and she was still asleep. I walked past our room and shut the door. I made some coffee and sat down and read the magazine on the island. I heard a knock on the door and got up. I opened it and it was Chase's mom.

"Hey sweetie. Is Chase and Ellie up?" She asked.

"No ma'am. But you can come in I'll wake them up." I smiled moving back so she could come in.

"Oh it's fine. You can let them sleep." She smiled and stepped in.

"Would you like some coffee? I just made it." I smiled and walked into the kitchen. She followed and sat at the island.

"Yes please." She sat down and I grabbed her a cup and poured some coffee. I handed it to her and she took a sip. "This is amazing!" She smiled. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. I'm gonna go check on Chase and Ellie." I said walking upstairs. I checked on them and Chase was waking up.

"Kendall?" He mumbled.

"Yeah baby?" I asked sitting down.

"Who's here? I heard a knock." He asked looking at me.

"Your mama. She's downstairs drinking coffee." I smiled and kissed his head.

"Oh. I'm gonna take a shower. Tell her I'll be down later." He smiled. I got up and I felt a hand connect with my ass. I squealed and looked behind me. He smirked and I laughed.

Me and Chase's mom sat on the couch and talked for awhile. I looked upstairs and saw Elli coming down. Chase was right behind her wearing his jeans and no shirt. His abs looked amazing. I bit my lip and looked down. He kissed my head and Elli sat down in her grandma's lap.

"Hi grandma! Where's grandpa?" She asked kissing her cheek.

"Grandpa's working. He said he'll come by when he's done." She smiled and hugged Elli.

"I drew you something at school the other day! Hold on!" She smiled and jumped up. She ran upstairs and then came back down. Chase sat on the arm of the couch and put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"Hey mama. Me and Ken will be right back." He smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked outside on the deck and he smiled. "I was thinking since I get a week off next week why don't we take a trip to the beach? Me, you, Elli, and my parents." He asked.

"I'll have to ask Jen because I already have this whole week off!" I sighed. He grabbed my hips and leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Alright. And if you can't then it's fine we can go some other time. Just let me know by tomorrow so I can tell my parents." He smiled.

"Okay. Also have I told you that you look super sexy you are Mr.Miller?" I winked.

"Oh stop! You're making me blush." He joked. I laughed and grabbed his hand. We walked inside and he sat on the couch.

I called Jen and surprisingly I got the whole week off! I just have to work half of this week which is fine cause Elli is feeling better and she can got back to school. It's currently Tuesday so I just have to work till Saturday. I walked back downstairs and sat next to Chase. I felt him squeeze my thigh and I smirked.

We all decided to go out to dinner. Elli, Chase, his parents, and I. We got there and got a table. We got the buffet. I stood next to Chase and felt a hand on my lower back. He looked at me and smiled. We got our food and headed back to the table. We all ate and at some parts Chase would squeeze my knee and then move his hand up but I would clear my throat and glare at him.

"Chase! Why don't we take Elli for the weekend so y'all can have your time alone?" His mama asked.

"Please daddy! That means I can eat candy for breakfast and drink from the milk jug!" She smiled. We laughed.

"I don't see why not baby. And grandpa and I are having a talk when we leave!" He laughed. We all finished and headed out the door. Since Elli keeps some clothes over at her grandma and grandpa's house we just unloaded the car seat. They buckled her up and we stood in front of the car. "Thanks mama and daddy." Chase smiled and hugged them.

"Anytime." They smiled. We hugged them and got in the truck.

I hopped in and Chase got in. I slid to the middle and started kissing his neck. He smirked and turned the truck on. I smiled at him and sat up.

"Hold on baby. We're almost home." He smirked at me. I leaned down and started kissing his neck some more. "Seriously baby. You're killing me." He gripped the steering wheel tighter.

We got home and he carried me up to the room. That night was one hell of a night!

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