{Chapter 9}

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It's Christmas morning and I'm currently making everyone pancakes and coffee. I made Elli a glass of hot chocolate. I sat everything up and called everyone to the kitchen. We all ate and then put our dishes in the sink. We headed into the living room and Elli got her presents. Chase and I got her a new Barbie house and some clothes for her Barbies. Her grandma and grandpa got her some new jeans and cute cowgirl boots. Chase and I got his parents some new coffee cups they wanted and some new clothes. Chase got me a beautiful heart necklace with diamonds around the heart. I got him a new fishing pole and some new hunting gear. I cleaned up the paper and washed the dishes. Everyone was in the living room watching Tv and Elli was playing with her new stuff.

We all sat around watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. I laid my head on Chase's shoulder and watched the movie. We ended up going outside and playing in the snow having a snowball fight and making snow angels. Jen and Tyler came over and we all ate dinner together and shared memories from Christmas.

Everyone headed home except Tyler. We sat around and drank some beers. Elli headed on up to bed. Tyler was sitting in the couch drinking his beer and Chase was sitting in the recliner.

"Chase.. Elli wants you." I said walking down the steps. He nodded and walked upstairs. I sat in the recliner and covered up with the comfy camouflage blanket. Chase came back down and I got up and he sat down and I sat back down in his lap. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"She wanted me to tell her a story." He smiled. I nodded and laid down. "Hey Tyler how about we all go out next Friday night?" Chase asked.

"Sure." He nodded. We finished our beers and Tyler ended up heading home.

"Come on baby. Let's go to bed." I said getting up and grabbing Chase's hand. He got up and picked me up bridal style and walked upstairs. He laid me down on my side of the bed and walked to his side. He got undressed and crawled into bed. I got undressed and I was just wearing my bra and underwear. "Goodnight Chase." I kissed him softly.

"Goodnight gorgeous." He kissed my head.

I made some breakfast and we sat down and all ate. Elli finished and put her dishes in the sink and went to play. Chase looked at me and smirked.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"How about we go out tonight. Just me and you?" He smiled. We haven't had a date night in awhile so it would be nice.

"Alright and what will we be doing?" I asked getting up.

"Well we will go to dinner then go bowling and play some arcade games. Then we could come back here and have some fun." He walked up behind me and kissed my shoulder.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I got a surprise for you." I winked.

"What is it?" He asked leaning in the counter.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." I laughed. "I'll give you a hint. I went to a store the other day and picked out something I think you'll love." I smirked. "It's a clothing item."

"Hmm. I don't know." He smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and sat me on the counter and kissed me. "Damn you're gorgeous." He whisper in my ear kissing my neck. I giggled and pushed him back a little.

"I love you Chase." I kissed him softly on the lips.

"I love you Kendall." He smiled that amazing smile.

I got dressed and fed Daisy. I took Elli over to her grandparents and drove back to the house. I unlocked the door and saw Chase sitting on the couch naked!

"Chase!" I laughed. I hung up my purse and set my keys and phone down on the coffee table. "Why are you naked?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

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