{Chapter 17}

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It's been a month since Emily was born and we have been super busy. Chase has been working more and is currently out of town. Elli has been helping me and going to school. Jen let me off for a few months.

I heard Emily crying and I woke up. The clock read 5:30am. I walked in her nursery and picked her up. I sat in the rocker and started feeding her. I looked around and sighed. We decorated her room in farm animals. It's adorable! There's little animal stickers on the wall and her bedding is cow print. She even has a little horse stuffed animal in her bed that Chase got her when she was born. I finished feeding her and burped her. I laid her down and changed her diaper. After that I laid her in her crib and kissed her head. I turned around and saw Elli in the doorway.

"Good morning Elli. Come on let's get some breakfast." We walked downstairs and I made us an omelet and we drank some orange juice. She went and got dressed and headed to the bus stop. I went and picked up Emily and went into my room. I sat on the bed and laid her on my knees. "You look just like your dad." I giggled. I heard my phone ring and it was Chase.

"Hey baby." I said.
"Hey honey. How is everything?" He asked.
"It's alright. Little crazy but it's fine." I replied with a little laugh.
"I'm on my way home. I'll be at the house in about an hour. I can't wait to see y'all." He said.
"I can't wait to see you to baby. I miss you."

After awhile of talking I finally ended the call and laid back on my pillow. I closed my eyes and sighed. It's been kinda crazy around here. Jen and Ty have been coming over almost everyday and they help out a lot which is amazing! It's about 4:30 and Elli was in her room doing her homework and I was on my phone playing a game when I heard a knock on the door and I went downstairs. I opened the door and it was Tyler.

"Hey." I let him in and he smiled.

"How are you? Sorry I didn't come by yesterday I had a shit ton of stuff to do." He gave me a little hug and got Emily out of my arms. "Hello Em!" He smiled down at her.

"I'm okay. Just tired. Chase is on his way home. I'm gonna start dinner would you like to stay?" I asked.

"Depends on what you're having." He laughed.

"Hmm? Tacos? Spaghetti? Grilled chicken?"

"Oooo! Grilled chicken!" He laughed.

"I swear you're such a kid sometimes!" I went into the kitchen and grabbed all the stuff and went outside and started the grill. "Hey Ty!" I yelled.


"Will you come finish this? I need to feed Em." I asked.

"Sure thing!" He handed me Em and started cooking. I went into the living room and sat down and stated feeding Em. The front door opened and it was Chase.

"Hey baby!" He dropped his stuff and kissed me. "Damn.. I missed you." He smiled.

"I missed you too." I smiled. I finished feeding Em and I put her in her crib. I walked downstairs and Chase was talking to Ty outside. I walked out and wrapped my arms around Chase's waist.

"Well hello." He looked back. "Ty we'll be right back. I gotta talk to her for a minute." Chase grabbed my hand and pulled up into the bedroom.

"Yes?" I asked smirking. Chase started kissing me and put his forehead on mine.

"I love you." He smiled while biting his lip. He started kissing me again and he pushed me up against the wall. I pushed him back.

"Not right now. Maybe tonight." I winked. We walked back downstairs and the food was done. We called Elli down for dinner and we started eating.

"Elli how was school today?" Chase asked.

"It's was okay. There's this boy named Eric in my class and he's really cute. But I don't think he likes me." She replied.

"You don't know that. Maybe you should talk to him? Be friends?" Chase said while putting a big piece of chicken in his mouth.

"Okay." She said.

After we all ate I did the dishes and the boys went and watched tv. Elli went upstairs and got ready for bed. Chase walked up behind me and put his hands on my hips.

"I love you. I missed you so much baby." He kissed my shoulder.

"I missed you too." I turned the water off and turned around so I was facing him. "My back is killing me." I sighed and put my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry baby. Why don't I go and start you a nice warm bubble bath and you can relax while Ty and I go to the man cave?" He asked.

"That would be nice." I smiled up at him.

"Okay let's go then." He picked me up and carried me to the stairs. "Ty we'll be right back. I'm get her a bubble bath then we can hang out in the man cave." He said carrying me upstairs to the room. He started the bath and I got undressed and got in. "If you need anything let me know." He kissed me.

"Thank you Chase." I smiled and relaxed.

After awhile of being in the bath I got out and changed into some night shorts and a tank top. I walked to the man cave and they were watching a game.

*Chase's Pov*

Me and Ty were watching a game in the man cave. I decided to let Kendall relax. She's been stressed with the baby and everything. I felt a kiss on the side of my head.

"Thank you Chase." She whispered in my ear.

"Anything for you baby." I kissed her. "Ty you want anything to drink?" I got up

"I'll have a water. I gotta get going. Thanks for letting stay for dinner." He hugged Ken and bro hugged me. "I'll see y'all later." He headed upstairs.

Me and Ken sat on the couch and cuddled up. I started kissing her neck and we fell back on the couch.

"I love you." I put my forehead on hers and kissed her nose.

"I love you more. How about we go to bed?" She winked and bit her lip.

"Hell yeah!" I picked her up and carried her up stairs.
I got up around 6:30Am and made breakfast for everyone. I walked upstairs and went into Em's room. I picked her up and kissed her.

"Hey baby girl. Gosh you're so beautiful. You look like your mama." I smiled. I saw Ken come in and she kissed my shoulder. "Go to mama and eat. Oh and breakfast is ready baby." I kissed Kendall's head. I walked into the kitchen and Elli was at the table. "Morning princess." I kissed her head.

"Daddy! These waffles are amazing!" She laughed.

"Well not to brag or anything but I did make them." I joked. She smiled and continued eating.

Soon everyone was at the table eating breakfast and talking. I love my family.

*Hey y'all! So I decided to do a Pov of Chase! Do you think I should keep doing that or no? Thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a comment and vote!<3

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