{Chapter 4}

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I've been dating Chase for a few months now and everything has been great. We've had our moments but we worked through them. Elli loves kindergarten and made lots of friends. The coffee shop is getting good business. Jenny started dating this guy named Jake and they've been happy together.

I made a cup of tea for the lady and called her name. She got her drink and went on her way. I walked back over to the register.

"Hello what can I get you today?" I asked looking down at the register.

"Hello beautiful. How about a date next Friday?" This tall, blonde, not muscular guy asked looking at me.

"Actually I'm dating someone." I smiled looking up. So many guys have done that. It's really annoying! Almost everyday some guy comes in and asks for my number or a date!

"Well he doesn't have to know now does he?" He smirked. Really?

"Listen! There are other people in line so please order your drink or go out the door! Also I would never cheat on my handsome, wonderful, boyfriend!" I said aggravated. He just looked at me and ordered a coffee.

"Here's you drink! Have a wonderful day." I said sitting his drink down. I looked in his eyes and could tell he was staring at my boobs. I huffed and went back to the register.

That day went really fast. Jenny came in late and started making drinks. I headed home and by home I mean Chase's house. I've been staying there for about a month now. Elli loves it cause she has someone to play Barbies with and have tea party's.

I opened the door and smiled seeing Chase sitting on the couch. He smiled at me and I hung my purse up and sat my keys on the coffee table. I sat down next to him and he kissed me. I giggled and fell back so he was on top of me.

"How was work?" He asked still on top of me.

"Well I got asked out on a date. And I told him I have a boyfriend and he said well he doesn't have to know and I told him no that I was not cheating on my wonderful, muscular, hot, sexy, boyfriend. He was shocked but I was laughed deep down inside." I replied giggling.

"Sounds like a good day then." He laughed. I pushed on his chest and he sat back down. "Oh yeah. I gotta get Elli! I'll be back soon! When's dinner?" He asked getting up.

"How about I make chicken alfredo? And my secret recipe chocolate chip cookies?" I asked getting up.

"Sounds perfect! I'll be back soon." He smiled kissing me and going out the door.

I made dinner and set everything up. I poured Elli her milk. I set out two beers for Chase and I. I made my cookies and put them on a plate. I heard the door open and I saw Elli run in.

"Hey!" She smiled hugging me.

"Hey Sweetie. Your milk is next to you plate. You get to sit by daddy tonight." I smiled helping her up on the chair. We all sat at the island. Elli was on the left of Chase and I was on the right.

I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at Chase. He smirked and I giggled. Elli just kept eating. We all ate and I gave Chase and Elli a cookie with a glass of milk. She went in the living room and watched cartoons. I was cleaning the dishes when I felt a hand on my ass. I looked behind me and saw Chase smiling.

"Yes?" I asked while still cleaning the dishes. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How about I start a hot bubble bath for you? Then we can cuddle and watch a movie." He whispered in my ear.

"Sounds wonderful." I kissed his cheek and turned the water off. He walked into the living room and put Elli to bed while I walked upstairs to the bedroom.

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