The Battle of Starcourt Part 2

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A/N: I apologize in advance for the next two chapters!

"Bills", Maddie mumbled while Jonathan quickly wrapped an arm around her. Nancy banged on the window yelling, "Back in the mall!".

The group quickly ran back inside of the mall while Mike tried to reach "Scoops Troops", which was another name for Steve, Robin, Erica, and Dustin's group.

Nancy quickly went towards one of the guards and grabbed his gun. Maddie grabbed her arm and asked, "What are you doing?". "Getting protection", Nancy responded simply.

"You're not shooting him, Nance", Maddie told the girl before Max and Will approached the two teens.

"You're gonna kill him, aren't you?", Max questioned nervously. "This is just a precaution, okay?", Nancy told Max receiving a glare from Maddie.

"And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer", Will stated. "I won't let her kill him, Maxi. Under any circumstances", Maddie told Max referring to Nancy causing Max to nod convinced.

Maddie walked, more like limped, away angrily trying to calm herself down. She finally returned to the group to see Eleven trying to move a car. Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful. The rest of the group went to push the car out while Maddie tried to comfort Eleven.

Nancy and Jonathan quickly looked for the cable while Eleven searched the trash can for a can. She then tried to crush the can with her mind only to find out that she couldn't.

Eleven looked at Maddie nervously. "It's okay pretty girl, you're just drained", Maddie told the girl. Before anything else could happen Maddie and Max looked up towards the roof hearing a noise.

"Mike", Max said nervously. The kids looked up before hearing Jonathan state, "Got it". "Nancy!", "Jonathan!", Mike and Maddie yelled out.

Maddie grabbed Eleven and Max's hands before pushing Mike forward. "Go!", Maddie yelled shoving the two girls in front of her as well. The Mind Flayer finally entered the mall with a large roar.

The Mind Flayer tossed the radio across the mall while Dustin's voice came through trying to assure his friends safety. Maddie was sat with Mike, Eleven, and Max on the floor while the other four were hiding behind the car.

Maddie looked to the right seeing a gun laying on the floor. Maddie tapped Eleven before motioning for her to get Max's attention.

After Maddie had Max's attention she pointed towards the gun and mouthed, "Can you grab that?". Max nodded slowly before Maddie looked to see where the Mind Flayer was looking.

"Now!", Maddie whispered to Max who quickly dove out and grabbed the gun. Maddie cocked the gun before looking back to the monster.

"It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it", Mike told the group. "Not with their legs", Max replied. "We have to try", Mike added.

"There's another way to get out. Through the Gap", Eleven stated. Maddie quickly looked to see the Mind Flayer still turned around. Maddie nodded causing Mike to say, "Okay".

"Now", Mike stated causing the kids to run while Maddie limped behind. They all finally made it in to the store before Max fell, knocking something off the shelf in the process. Maddie quickly helped her up before the kids ran to hide.

The kids were at behind a shelf with Maddie closest to the monster. Maddie held her gun up while holding her finger up to her mouth trying to silence the kids.

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