The Nina Project Part 1

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Maddie's heavy eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the light. Once she could see properly, she looked around the room.

The girl found herself laying down on a couch in the Wheeler's basement. Maddie looked around to find all of her friends sleeping around her.

Maddie sat up with a small groan. She looked towards the source of her pain to find a makeshift bandage wrapped around her wound. The teen also felt a large wrap around her shoulder wound.

After a small struggle, Maddie finally got off the couch. Before she could move towards the staircase, she heard a noise from behind her.

Maddie quickly turned around to find Max also trying to sneak away. The teen smiled lightly before making eye contact with Max.

"Are you okay?", Maddie mouthed to the red head. Max nodded before pointing towards the staircase. Maddie nodded back before the two girls walked up the stairs. 

Once the two girls made it to the top of the stairs, Maddie turned towards Max. "Keep your headphones on, I'm going to go change my shirt really fast", Maddie told the girl.

"Do you need help?", Max questioned. "No, I'll be okay. Just go get some breakfast, I'll be there to join you in a couple minutes", Maddie said with a fake smile plastered on her face. Max nodded reluctantly before heading to the dining room.

Maddie slowly made her way upstairs to Nancy's room. Once she finally made it, Maddie went through Nancy's closet trying to find a shirt.

The teen went through roughly fifteen shirts before taking a break. "Why do you have to dress like a grandma Nance", Maddie mumbled to herself.

After another two minutes of digging through Nancy's clothes, Maddie reluctantly picked the plainest top she could find. 

Maddie headed into the bathroom before pulling out the first aid kit and taking her shirt off. She looked at her side before pulling the wrap off.

"That's not that bad", Maddie told herself while looking at the small wound on her side. She quickly wrapped the wound up again while disposing the bloody one in the trash can.

Maddie turned around before looking into the mirror at her shoulder blade that was poorly wrapped. "Shit", Maddie forced out while taking off the bandage. The teen groaned as she lifted her arm to try and wrap her shoulder.

"Maddie?", she heard Max ask through the door. "Yeah?", Maddie questioned back. "Do you need help? You've been in there for a while now", Max asked again. "No, it's okay. I'll just be a minute", Maddie stated while wincing quietly.

Before Maddie could say anything else the door was opened and closed quickly. Maddie turned around only to see the worried face of Max Mayfield standing in front of her.  

"Maxi, I said I was fine", Maddie lightly scolded. "You obviously need my help", Max replied. Maddie chuckled before allowing Max to re-apply a new wrap on her shoulder.

"That's really deep, are you sure this will do enough?", Max questioned. "Yeah, it will hold", Maddie answered dismissively. "Okay, you're good", Max told Maddie.

"Thank you", Maddie said sincerely before adding, "I'll be out in a minute I'm going to put the grandma clothing on and use the restroom. I'll be down soon". Max nodded with a smile before heading back downstairs.

Maddie sighed once the red head was far enough away. The only thing that Maddie could think about was how Vecna might have been right the whole time.

If Maddie sacrificed herself, her friends would be safe. Max would be safe. She would be reunited with Billy.

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