Chapter 15 Finally Awake

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Ronin got back to hospital fairly fast so he decided to call the 'Database Courthouse' to reschedule getting custody of Davis to three days from now.

He turned his back for a second to call them and when he turned back around Davis moved.

Davis was now turned on his side. He's Alive. Ronin's anger from the videos faded away as he buried it, his quirk deactivated and sat down next to Davis.
Seeing Davis in this hospital bed reminded Ronin of that day with Database, even though Database was gonna die he was still worried about a student that was involved.

"so how's Davis doing?" That one question was replayed in Ronin's head until Avian and Kat finally arrived.

"So how's Davis doing" Avian asks

"He's alive" Ronin responds happily
Kat sighed in relief.

"I should get you back to your dorms, you do have classes tomorrow"

"Alright" Kat was too tired to put up a fight. It's been a long stressful day.

Avian left with Kat and Ronin was left alone with Davis and his thoughts

"Oh Davis why didn't you tell me, I thought we were past this phase of I find out of someone else who happens to be with you"

"Hopefully stuff like this either never happens again or you tell me immediately next time, it would be better if it never happened again"
Then Venus came in "you know you should get some sleep"

"Not until he wakes up, I know what happened but I need to hear it from him V"

"Avian showed you all the tapes then"

"Have you seen what's on those tapes V"

"No, but Avian told me about some of it when he was getting them"

"You think he's gonna wake up anytime soon, he keeps turning his body but no sign of opening his eyes"

"He is stronger than you can imagine, he just needs support from a present parent figure, that's been you since day one"

"I guess so but Rain is insane if Davis didn't use his mind control on him we wouldn't be here right now, and Davis would probably be de-"

"Don't go there. His vitals are stable and his heartbeat is slowly going back to the normal heartrate it should be at"
"I got some black eyes and stuff to heal so you can use one of the beds next to him. See you tomorrow"

"Thanks. See you tomorrow V"

Venus left then Ronin sat in the bed next to Davis before lying down and dozing off.

Davis turned back onto his back. No one knew this but Davis could hear everything everyone was saying around him.

He wanted to wake up.

He wanted to open is eyes but he was stuck in a nightmare.

Every time he woke up was just another dream version of him. This nightmare however was a little different, it wasn't one of the mistakes he had previously made, it was THAT specific and faithful night.

The night his dad abandoned him.
The night his mother died.

The night everything changed.
He or better yet the dream version of him had to endure this night all over again. It hurt enough the first real time it happened. He watched as Manolo killed his mother.

I guess that did it. It kinda put him over the top
(Let's say it's like 1am at this point so you know how dark it is)
He sprung up from this coma thing he was in. The vital monitor went crazy, beeping rapidly. Davis' heartbeat was increasing. He rapidly looked around the room until his eyes adjusted with where he was. His breathing was still shaky but that started to steady when he saw Ronin. Then Ronin woke up to the beeping, it can get annoying quickly.

Then Ronin and Davis' eyes met.
That little spark that his eyes used to have is weak and fading away.

(A/N:Based on the video "Barry wakes up 9 months later. 00:00-00:27 is what I'm describing))

It's so dark, it must be pretty late Davis was confused he was on the side of the bed taking off all the tubes and stuff.

"Kid, thank god your okay" Ronin walked over to Davis' bed, knelt in front of him and put his hands on either side of Davis' cheeks while tears appeared in his eyes

"R-r-r-r-r-r-ronin" Davis said with a very hoarse and stuttery voice. He still sounded afraid and weak. His voice showed that he was still struggling and in a lot of pain.

"You're okay, don't try to talk, your throat will still be pretty painful for a few days it's been a long few weeks, kid"

*Weeks....!* Davis thought to himself, he wanted to say it but didn't.
Davis just nodded at that. He was gonna ask what happened since he could only vaguely remember very blurry fragments of everything but decided not to, he was still tired. His body hasn't fully recovered yet.

"I-i-i-i-is k-k-kat o-o-okay?" Davis' voice sounded so hoarse and it clearly hurt when he spoke.

"She's fine, she woke up a few hours after you both arrived"

"H-h-h-how d-d-did y-you f-find o-out...?"

"Kat told me some, and Avian found CCTV footage of that area, now enough questions go back to sleep for a while, it's still really early"

Davis nodded and lied back down and quickly dozed off again. Ronin did the same.

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