Chapter 37 Why..Why Again..?

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((Trigger Warning: Angst, Kidnapped, Swearing, I'm so sorry there's a lot of angst to come))

Davis was being dragged away by two completely cloaked figures, one had a gun to his head, the other made sure he couldn't escape and had put tape over his mouth. Another masked figure was holding back Manolo and The last one with Meticas suit on stood in front of him hand tight grip on his cheeks, he spoke "I'm always one step ahead Metica"

"I told you what you wanted to know, let him go!" Manolo struggled trying to wiggle his way from the man's grip but it was strong and too tight.

He let go of Manolo's face "And for you" he turned towards Davis, he grabbed his neck pulling him closer a little closer to himself "you're simply in my way, so now you're just an extra I'm willing to get rid of" he let go of Davis and ordered his henchmen to beat the energy out of him. Davis eyes bled with fear and pleaded for help as they beat him to ground. He wasn't able to even fight back he just had to let it happen. And Manolo could do nothing but watch.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME, MEN DISPOSE OF HIM" He ordered his men to beat him up and take the boy away to their hideout.
"DAVISSS... DAVIS ILL FIND YOU I PROMIS-" he got cut off because he got punched in his stomach, a few moments later it was just him. On the ground lying there. In pain. While his son was kidnapped. Again. Manolo could hardly move he was in so much pain

A few hours past and Manolo could still not move, seconds later he heard a familiar voice.
"Manolo!? Where are you?!". Ronin, he was searching for him. "Manolo there you are. What the hell happened...?" Ronin walked up to the injured man lying on the ground in a small pool of blood, "what happened" Manolo already knew it was Ronin by his voice but his vision was blurred from all the punches to his face. "Man what happened, where's Davis, he never made it home". Ronin slowly helped him up. He groaned and held his stomach but already he was sitting now. "They... Took...him Tazu"


"That fucking villain whose been trying to replace me, Kidnapped my FUCKING KID TAZU, AND I COULDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT"

"They beat the living shit out of you"

"They took him Tazu.." He had tears in eyes, trying to stand "we need to find him"

Ronin had tears in eyes too and his red eyes and white hair appeared but he just spoke softly."Let's just get you some help first then when you're actually able to walk we'll find him, okay". Ronin knew that it wasn't a good idea to get angry right now, it wasnt even his fault.

"This isn't something we can take time to plan Tazu we have to find him very very soon"

"Why, You need help."

"They're gonna brainwash him, manipulate him and beat him until he gives in, they might kill him Okita"

"Ramirez, I understand they might kill our son but we can't get angry right now, you need to get help, then we will stop at nothing to find him until he comes home, Do you have any other ideas on what they might do"

"They're turning him into a villain. He's gonna make Davis kill people to bury his morals forgiveness and remorse"

"Holy fuck" Ronin mummered as he helped Manolo up, they walked over to The student hospital since Venus would be there. They had just walked through the glass doors as Manolo collapsed to the ground.

"Come on where almost there Ramirez, VENUS ARE YOU HERE?, Shit nonono" He passed out from the blood loss and all the punches to his stomach.


Ronin picked up Manolo bridal style, it was a breeze since his quirk was activated.

"Help him"

"He's a super-villain?"

"He's changing?" Ronin said it as a question, he didn't really believe it but he needs help from him to find Davis.

"Alright put him down on this bed"


"Don't mind them they're both on meds, they got stepped on while tiny and he teleported into a wall"


Venus hooked Manolo up to the heart rate monitor then patched and bandaged his injuries.

"Don't worry it's mostly bruises, a few cuts here and there and one older stab wound, it looks like he tried to bandage himself"


"My thoughts exactly so what's happened?"

"Apparently that new fucker the one trying to replace Metica just kidnaped my fucking son"


"Waaaaaiiiiittttt. they took Davis" Nico's meds just wore off.

"How are you feeling Nico"

"Who kidnapped Davis" Iris asked

"A supervillain and Nico we're handling this"

"But Davis is my friend so obviously I'm gonna help with or without your knowledge"

"You'll help by letting the Pro-Heros deal with this stuff okay"

"Clover Yuki come out from under the beds"

"Sup" Clover tried to act casual.

"You need to leave, visitors aren't allowed at this hour"

"Davis got Kidnapped we need to help him"

"That's what I said" Manolo sat up looking at the students "The Pro-Heroes are gonna need help, Okita"

"Ramirez shut up and lie back down, you got the shit beaten out of you, your not doing anything, you can't even walk"

"Doesn't matter, We need to find my son Tazu" He stood up from the bed trying to take off everything that was hooked to him.

"Manolo. Sit back down, we need a plan first we can't just go run around the city like headless chickens"

"Ronin please, You don't know what Majo is capable of"
Ronin has never heard Manolo say his hero name in a VERY long time so he knows he's serious and some baaaadd shits about to go down.

"Majo your saying-"


"That bitch has a kid"

"Whuutttt?" Clover tried to cheer themselves up knowing the news but it didn't really work at all.

"Isn't that Ellen's surname" Yuki pointed out
"Ellen Majo is in this HERO ACADEMY"


"Expell her then Idiot"

"We can't without a reason"


"Aren't you Davis' dad, which he killed and oh I don't know also is 'the great super villain Metica'." Yuki said with a blank stare.

"That was me then, not me now"

"Let's just concentrate on the Davis being kidnapped thing" Yuki shouted over everyone.

"The pink demon is right, we can't waste time, They plan on disposing of him since he was in the way, I think you all know what that means"

"Pink demon. is that supposed to be an insult?"

"No no no I'm just describing you, I know none of your names I don't need to know them"

"At least call me they"

"Non-binary. Nice"

Iris smiled (wuttt)

"So you Pro-Heroes and super-villains gonna accept help from Davis' friends?"

"We will need as much power as we can get" Venus said

"I think I know who to recruit then, they might not like me after last time"

"If you're thinking of THEM ask Shino and Flex to help you get them on board"

"Ah I can try, they also don't like me"

"You just had to get everyone to hate you last year didnt you jeez"

(I'm so sorry for what's about to come soon)

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