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Hey, let's take a look in the life of BTS and you after the birth of Yul.

A/n:- So RM can you tell us about the situation at home after the arrival of Jeon Yul ?

RM:- "Oh, yes ofcourse. The initial days were very difficult for everyone as we all were new to this lifestyle, especially Y/n and Jungkook. They have spent many sleepless nights and Y/n was feeling extremely weak for few weeks after giving birth but soon we handled it and got comfortable to the new lifestyle.

Now it feels like we are bringing up 3 children because Y/n and Jungkook both have went back in their childhood with Yul. It's really a cute and sweet time for us and I'm so proud of my sister that she grew up well. I just pray to God that we all have a happy and healthy life"

A/n:- Jin can you see any difference in Junkook before and after becoming a dad?

Jin:- "Yes, there's a huge different between Jungkook after the birth of Yul-ah. It's like he grew up suddenly. He has become more protective towards Y/n and always takes care of her every little thing. No like he didn't did that before but he is being more and more secure about her and their son.

He understands Y/n and makes sure she isn't feeling insecure about anything, be it her physicality or the stereotypical questions that new mothers have. Ha, one day he even said that he will breastfeed the baby and then realized what he said and was embarrass. Everyone else went into fits of laughter after hearing that. Later he corrected his words by saying that he will feed the baby with a bottle, which only caused us to laugh more remembering his earlier words"

*Starts laughing*

5 Minutes later

*Still laughing* A/n started getting awkward.

"Hyung, enough! Continue with your answer" Namjoon said nudging his elbow on Jin's side lightly.

"Oh yes, where was I? Yeah yeah. He has changed but he still is our cute little big Jungkookie and will always be that for us"

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