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Two men were in a church praying, that's what it seems to others.

"So, you got the deal?" 

"Yeah but its agains-"

"You got it, that's what matters."

"But had-"

"Oh oh oh honey, we don't talk about him when we are literally in church right?" The man with black hair said with a sweet voice making the other man in front of him shut.

The man had black hairs matching with his inky black eyes. He was wearing a peach colored high neck with black jeans.

"Lets go now, our work is done. Also its been long since I visited grandpa, lets give him a visit. He should be the first one to know my homecoming."


"Lets go Jin hyung."










"Get up sleepy head, you have some work to do." The only one who had the right to treat Azrael like this was Min Yoongi, a world famous rapper with a hidden business of being a dealer. Azrael's dealer to be exact. He goes by the code name of 'rock', chosen by himself.

"Fuck of you fucking kitten!" The sleeping male grumbled stuffing his face in the pillow.

"Kim Taehyung!"

And the said male was on his feet with the most bitchy look he could muster.

"I am up! Happy!" 

"More than ever." Yoongi give a gummy smile to irk Taehyung more if possible making him spill many unheard profanities while going in washroom to freshen up.

As soon as he disappeared the cheerful aura around Yoongi also disappeared.

"I need to settle this new yet old issue soon before this living grim reaper gets his eyes set on him." Rubbing his forehead he settled on the couch looking for today's mission.

 "He needs to be more careful, *sigh* Can't pray to god, but oh almighty Lucifer up there, keep your eyes on him." 

What he didn't knew is that he would soon regret wishing this.

After like half an hour Tae came out all ready, packed up with guns, weapons, bulletproof vest, everything.

"All set?" Yoongi asked getting his car keys to which Tae gave a thumbs up as they both went to Taehyung's personal parking lot.

They took Yoongi's bulletproof car, that was actually gifted by Tae for protection. It was completely black, no one could see what's inside.

Reaching his destination, he sneaked in the alley, good for him, it was night time. He climbed up on the roof through the windows getting a clear view of the event. Looking around Taehyung made sure no one else was in view and sighed when he couldn't find anyone.

The event started and the one who organized the event came out in audience giving the assassins a clear chance to shoot him. And as expected many lasers were seen making Tae smirk.

'Dumb fucks.'

He silently fixed his target on each one of them and without much work he passed the bullet through their body seeing each body falling limp in seconds. 

When he couldn't find anymore snipers he nodded to himself and took a glance at the man whom he was protecting. It was then he noticed a red dot on his neck and before he could trace the sniper he heard a loud shrill and saw the man now dead in his own pool of blood.

"Fucking hell!" Cursing he turned around to get a view of the shooter but his luck was not with him.

Raging he took his sniper and got off the roof. As expected Yoongi was already there with a car.

They went to Taehyung's apartment silently without any questions.

"So, What happened?" Yoongi asked wanting to know the reason of the fuming male.

"The target died. Return his 2.5 million." Yoongi nodded and waited for the other to speak knowing its not the only reason. Money was never the problem, they would get half of the amount if Tae killed the other assassins who were hired for the target.

"I couldn't see who killed him. The shooter ran away." Now this made Yoongi stiff. No one has ever walked away alive after killing the target.

And if anyone did, then Yoongi doesn't even want to guess who it can be.

"L-Leave it Tae, your mind must be a mess. Take some rest." Tae nodded at Yoongi's words who took his leave for his own apartment.

The next morning he couldn't believe his eyes. The first thing he saw on his phone was a message which was the flying rumor of him being the killer.

'Did the renown sniper Azrael shook hands with underground?'

He quickly dialed Yoongi's number who picked up on the very second ring.

"What the fuck is all this?" He growled making it clear that he is aware about all the ruckus happening in media.

"*Sigh* The cops are investigating, the man had the same bullet that's used by you and it was fired from your direction. Building 06, the shot was fired from that direction.

"Gosh! Anyone can use those bullets they are best ones! These freaks! Throw them some bucks they will shut up." 

Grumbling he hung up the call and kept the phone safely on the table. He can't afford breaking his phone.










"Hades, they are blaming the one who was there for protection for your deeds. You are clear." Jin announced with a wide smile on his face.

Kim seokjin, a renown chef, also a dealer for Hades the underground's most famous sniper.

"Wow, who's the poor sniper, damn man they made me dirty without an deed." Hades said chuckling, man just set his foot on Korea and already on someone's hate list.

"Oh, Oh my! Jeongguk you just hit jackpot! He is Azrael! The most renown and feared legal sniper!" 

Before Jeongguk could make any comment on it their heads snapped towards the third persons voice.

"He dug his own grave Seokjin. Not some fucking Jackpot!"


....woo hoo~  here you go~

bui bui~


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