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Jungkook's POV-

It was dark outside. Loud thunders were heard as the rain poured heavily. The weather was beautiful, just what I love but something else would be more beautiful, someone else. I picked my phone and dialed his number, surprisingly he picked at the second ring.

"Hey angel."

"What is it?"

"Come to my room."

*toot toot*

I hung up the call. I know he will ask million questions but I am not going to answer them on phone. Sitting on my couch I waited and waited until the door bell rang. Now, I am no fool to open a door without checking who's on the other side. I peeked through the peep hole and saw my lovely angel standing outside with a bored look so without any delay I opened the door for him.


"You don't wear anything on top at home, do you?" I just shrugged cause he was right. I prefer being without clothes most of time, not complete naked though. Like right now, I am wearing my sweatpants. Just sweatpants as they are comfortable.

"So? Why did you called?" Before he could settle on couch I hauled him up in my arms ignoring his tiny protests to leave him and walked towards my bedroom. 

"Jeon! Wh-"

"Shh. Angel" I pressed my face against his, whispering in his ears as I laid him on my bed, slowly and softly. My room was dark, with a lil light from the thundering going on outside and a small blue lamp at the bed side. I could feel his fingers digging in my arms, right above where I got shot. The wound was still a lil fresh, a small amount of pressure would be enough to draw out blood.

"My work was still not over of that day, was it?" He laid under me, confused for a few seconds before a flush of rage passed through his face making him yank me close to his face with my hair. I grunted as he had a tight hold of my hairs, he looked like he enjoyed the pain he inflicted, oh my lil sweet angel, this is nothing for what I am about to do to you.

"Yes, do it just like this when I will fuck your ass." He scoffed turning his head aside but couldn't keep it there any longer as I gripped his jaw, forcing him to face me. He looks divine with that anger on his face, he should be angry, I love it. Looking at him for a lil more, I leaned down, pressing my lips on his forehead as he was, if anything still my angel and nothing will change that fact. Surprisingly he stayed docile, eyes closed that he opened after I parted away only to lean down again and kiss apple cheeks. A lil sigh leaving his lips when he felt my cold lips on his warm skin.

He made me calm but insane at the same time. His lil demons danced with mine in harmony as I stared into his honey pooled eyes. With every second I lessen the distance between us, until I finally felt his lips on mine. Kissing him, was never about kissing, it was me getting my every breath back that he stole with every glance. I sucked on his lips like it's dripping with honey and I am longing for it since ever. His hands threaded into my hairs, pulling me close before he parted his lips giving an open invitation to me. I plunged my tongue inside, swirling it around his as I cupped his face. Our souls clashed as we messily get drunk over each other, moaning in each other's mouth without getting enough of the other. 

I felt him gasping in my mouth as I parted away just a bit, our foreheads pressed against each other and a string of sliver connecting our lips. A comforting silence in the room with our loud breathing and the raining outside in background.

"You sucked my soul." He whispered, still unmoving and staring into my eyes, like he is touching my soul and maybe he is.

"That was the intention." As cheesy as I sounded he still smiled, his eyes twinkling in the lightening of the thunder like stars in galaxy. And at that moment, I realised something.

He shoots not only with his guns but with his smiles too. I can feel the pain in my heart, and damn does it feels good. It's not suppose to feel good, but it does.

"Now get off-"

"None can do darlin-oh fuck! Oh! I forgot something. Stay right here!!" I didn't wait for his reply before dashing to the hall and bringing the box that I prepared for him. He obeyed and didn't move an inch, his eyes locating the box in my hands before looking up at me with suspicion. 

"What's that?" Instead of answering I settled on the bed, in front of me and pushed the box on his lap. He was still wary of it and looked up at me for any clue. Why is he looking at me like I gifted him someone's head? Can't he just open the damn box?

"Open it. You asked for this." He finally mustered up some courage and slowly opened the box. I expected him to gasp or even yell at me. 

"O-oh my! You really--it's customized! Jungk-"

"Did you like it?" For the first time, I was scared. What if he didn't like it? What if he found it weird? Lots of what if's were revolving in my mind but they all disappeared in a poof when he nodded and like a small puppy crawled up in my lap, hugging me. He was hugging me with his own consent. I needed some time to believe it, so when I felt him backing away I curled my hands around his waist hugging him back. My fingers were wrapped around his waist, in fear if this is all dream and he would be lost when I wake up. Instead of pulling away, he stayed, he stayed in my arms even when I fell back on bed, pulling him to my side. 

I wanted to stay like that until I can assure myself that it's real, and burn this moment, his touch under my palms, him in my embrace in my memory. If I ever lost my memory, this moment would be enough to remind me who I am and for whom I am.

I noticed the dagger was still clutched in his palms as if someone will take it away, like a baby holds their candy. 

We both were wide awake, in each others arms for the whole night, but none of us uttered a word. Maybe we were too afraid that any word would break this fantasy, shattering our happiness so we decided to hold onto it for as long as we can. The pouring rain didn't calmed down but I felt the most peaceful I ever did in my life tonight. Like this was all I wanted, and I finally got it. I got it in the form of an angel that I was supposed to destroy, damage, corrupt. Then why, why is that all I want to do is keep this angel to myself? Why is he making me feel something I always wanted but never got? 

Don't tell me, this is what they call 'home'.


I gotta stop making them so soft...like here grab this knife and plunge it in each other nd not chop carrots with it to feed each other!!!

should I change the chp title? coz it's now I realise how dumb this is.....well...just so u know..if I did you gonna get 24 notifications from my side...none of them useful.


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