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Taehyung's POV-

My meet with Yoongi wasn't so helpful. Well, I didn't got what I wanted cause Jeon Jungkook was present there. Why? Cause Yoongi once helped him and he was there to pay him back. I really doubt that. Min Yoongi won't disclose his location to just anyone. But again, Jeon Jungkook isn't just anyone.

I was loading my rifle, making sure to look for any danger as I was here to guard a politician. They are really filthy if you ask me. I would marry anyone but a politician as no matter what, they can't forget about their politics and way to get their deal done. They play dirty. Not even fair. So, I won't really mind if somehow, by mistake he gets killed. Not like I am going broke any soon.

He was right in front of my eyes with no threat. Good for me. I was on line with the government police force too, so they were aware about my every action.

"Everything's clear. No threat."


To be honest, I was getting bored. Yoongi was busy with his own work so I had to accommodate with these cops who won't even talk, not like I want to talk with them. As usual the speeches were going on when my eyes caught something. It was a red dot lingering on the man. The shooter must be dumb to use laser cause he will get caught. I tracked back the position of the man and found him on the second floor window.

"Threat detected."


And I fired, shooting the man dead. A sly smile of achievement spread on my lips, but as they say. One shouldn't celebrate so early. I looked back at the politician who was now dead, in pool of his own blood.

"What happened?" Shit happened. That was a mere distraction. A pawn.

"We were played."

I looked up at the billboard, which was flashing the face of the now dead politician, it was flickering when it suddenly turned off. Wow, the man dead, so is their work? But it turned on again, this time something written over it, sort of message.


It created a commotion between the public but, I think I know who is behind this clown party.

"What's with the message?" I rolled my eyes at their question. It's not my responsibility. I was here to kill, I killed one. I was never informed there will be two. So, the second one is out of my syllabus.

"Something you should find about."

Well, I wasn't sad about it as he deserved to die. I don't care, who dies, who lives. I live that's what matters. I was finally back home. Good for me, Jimin knows how to cook.

"Hyung! I made something for you!" This boy surely took after Yoongi in cooking. His skills are really good. 

"Ohk, and what it is?" I was really hungry and having meal made by Jimin is just, heaven. I sat on the chair as he served. He likes cooking so I never stop him, it's not like the food gets wasted. He makes just enough for us, and if something is leftover, it goes back in fridge or to someone who's hungry. Outside your warm home, you will find many hungry and cold, not everyone is living.

"Hmm, I tried some Indian food today as I once visited an Indian restaurant and I really liked some dishes." Now that's something new. Japanese nd Chinese is well introduced to my tongue but not Indian. I don't even know many dishes of my own country.

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