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Taehyung's POV-

 What an annoying person he is! I just asked for the teddy that he won for me, but suddenly he doesn't want to give it back? Well he better keep it safe then, might even marry so I can kill the teddy and make him a young widower. 

"W-ow hyung. Why are you so angry?" It was Jimin. Now-a-days he is mostly busy with his college and its good that he is taking things seriously. It was clear his parents didn't had any intention to reach out to him and I was fine with that.

"Nothing big. I just want to sleep." Good thing he didn't asked any further questions and nodded, then went back to his work. What I said was true though. I am sleepy as I couldn't sleep at night, now it was like I am about to faint, just need a bed to fall. 

"Jimin-ah! If anyone asks for me I am in my room!" With that final call I fell on my bed, and passed out, quite literally. 

Jungkook's POV-

I was sitting on my couch with the blue teddy beside me. All because of this teddy, now I have my shoulder patched up. He really did throw the knife at me and being good at aiming, it stuck like a darn dart on my shoulder. My courageous angel, I liked it. Moreover, the pain is nothing for what I am about to do as a compensation. No pain, no gain.

But before all that, I should give him the teddy. After all, it's my first gift to my angel. I won it for him; His words, not mine. 

So, now I am standing in front of his apartment with the toy in my arms. I look like someone who's here to take him for a date, not bad Jeon. I rang the bell, not once or twice but five times. He too banged my door like there was a zombie apocalypse. When the door opened, to my bad luck it was Jimin. Boy looks like he saw death himself. Why is he always scared of me? Not like I care.

"Hi Jimin. Can you call Taehyung?" He looked perplexed for a few seconds then spoke. 

"H-hyung is sleeping." Sleeping? After stabbing me he is sleeping soundly, unbelievable! Bad angel, very bad angel.

"Can you show me where he is?" I really didn't expected him to actually take me to Taehyung's room but this obedient child did. I was standing in front of his room, the door closed, not completely, as there was a gap in between. I pushed the door, opening it and there he was, on his bed in the same clothes as morning. It seemed like he was too sleepy to care about his position cause he was sleeping in a pretty weird position with all the blankets and bedsheets bundled up in his arms. He was hugging the pile of sheets, looking like a small baby. 

Without any other thought I walked in and replaced the pile of sheets with the blue teddy, seeing as he quickly snuggled into the stuff toy. 

He can't sleep without hugging something. That's what I think.

"That's all. I will get going now." Jimin didn't say anything but nodded as I left from there. My angel looks too cute for me to stand in his presence and not get aggression attacks. Who knows if I ended up choking Jimin?

See, I am danger, no matter the emotion. Too much emotion makes me want to kill.

I should visit my old pals. And gramps too, he is busy with something I guess. Where would, oh I know! I know very well where I can find him. Let's give him a visit. Surprise visit from his favorite kid. He would love it, lets hope he survives the visit though. 

I was whistling my favorite tune as I stood in the elevator that will take me to my gramps place. Not like I was alone, with me there was a lady and a lil boy. I could say the lady was struggling with other baby in her hands as the lil boy beside her was being a brat. I thought like most parents she would snap and slap but instead she was coaxing him, that's new to me. Though I have no idea why the boy was whining and shouting, from my view, he was taking his mother's patience granted. I hate brats. 

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