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Taehyung's POV-

Alone by myself, again for the nth time this week as Jimin has some 'friend' to spend time with where as Jeon has got this sudden concern for his 'business'. Loneliness was never new to me, nor it was something I detested. But that was before I knew how it was to have a company, to have people beside you to spend time with. 

For now, I was counting how many times my neighbor closed or open her door, she seems to be confused for the number of times she has opened and closed the door. Now, it was silent, guess she decided to stay at home today.

 What now? What should I count next? I have counted the corners of my apartment, the scars on my body, my collection of black clothes. What else is remaining? I should probably try cooking, alone this time. I am not that bad at cooking, I can fry sausages. Decided, let's cook!

"What the hell is this!! How can-ouch!!" 

I don't know how, one minute I was heating up the oil and next second the pan was on fire! I didn't even light it up, it happened on its own! And now I was trying to cool it down but with every drop of water it flamed even more-is this even water? Fuck! 

Killing is easy than cooking. 

*knock knock*

Who decided to grace me with their presence when I am having a damned magic show with my kitchen? Looking at the burning pan then back at the annoying guest on the other side of the door, I decided to rush to the door and open it only to run back to kitchen once I saw who it was. I know he followed right behind me when I heard a loud gasp and then he cursed with a very raw display of emotion in his voice.

"You motherfuckin set the damn pan on flames!!"

I winced at his accusations and didn't even try to fight back when he took away the pan, dumping it in sink. Why didn't I do it? 

"What were you trying to do angel? Summon hell's eternal fire on earth?" For the first time I felt like a child getting scolded as he looked at me with disbelief, pushing back his hair with a loud sigh before looking down at me. I couldn't look up at him, in his eyes. I did my role of looking down, wiggling my toes as they looked quite new feature in my body. Do they talk?

"You added water in oil?"

 "I-so what?" At my response he gasped once again and looked at me like I was a dumbass with the capital ''. Something tells me that I did exactly what a dumbass would do.

"Angel, water makes the oil splash out and spread!"

"I was not suppose to know that! I have never been to school!"

"I have never been too but I know!"

"Well I don't ok? I never really cooked and no one told me!" I was always defensive with education requirements because I never really went to school. I wasn't illiterate but I had no documents or proofs, nor some expertise in any one field. The only thing I was familiar with like the back of my hand was: Spot. Aim. Shoot.

"Alright, it's alright angel. Are you hungry? Let me make som-"

"I am bored actually." He halted his hand in air around my waist as he was going to untie the apron. I looked at him, his lips curling upside in a dark twisted way which told me he wasn't up to any good. But again, when has he ever?

"Angel." His hands which were in air settled on my waist, pulling me close himself as he spoke. My hands were on his arms as I couldn't find myself to keep anywhere closer to him. With each closure he was giving to me of himself, I was losing myself in him, to him. Like he was the old rich wine that keeps you coming for more and more until you are drunk on it, drowning in it's essence. 

"Let me take you away, where you would enjoy." My eyes caught his, a dark glint swirling in his innocent doe eyes which made me the curious cat who's going to die but maybe the satisfaction would be worth it to bring me back to life.


When I asked where, I didn't expect an auction, gun auction specifically. I looked at him as he grinned like a Cheshire cat, dressed up in a stunning ocean blue suit which matched with mine, except I had a blue vest inside, he didn't. I never really took him for suit type but god forbid he seemed as if he belonged to the hell like the walking sin he looked, though with that beauty of his was something that should be kept in heaven, safe from all evils eyes for no mortal deserve a single glimpse of his.

"If you kept looking at me like that, I would think you are in love with me, angel." Don't know why, those words pierced me making me wince internally. Why would his mere words hurt me?

Why his tone was filled with humor but his eyes went sad? 

"Why? Only you get to give those looks?" I couldn't stop myself from saying this. And just as I said, something wavered in his expression, for a second, but it did before he pulled himself together, giving me his wolfish grin as always.

"You want a compete angel? Then let's make a bet." From his looks, I know I am about to land in trouble but maybe it's fine just this once, maybe it's worth it,  maybe, he is worth it. Worth the trouble.

"Bet? What is it?"

"You have to come out of this place-"

"That's all?"

"-without getting shot." There, I knew he was up to something.

"Shot? There will be shooting here?" Is he serious? We are going to walk in a shooting arena? I don't have nine lives, and I surely know he has only one to live.

"Where there's a gun, angel, there's bullet. And what's the use of bullet if not for shooting?" His hands had already coiled up to my waist, dragging me inside sticking close to him. Not I minded the stares, nor he. But the way those guards and a few guests who noticed him bowed told me this wasn't a normal gun auctioning or he wasn't just an assassin with really good skills.

"This is your event." I didn't ask. I didn't have to. I was not an idiot to notice the respect he got from the guests, the even manager, the host, everyone. I could even identify some faces here, and I knew better to think they were friendly or at least civil. They were thirsty for my blood, they were from the under world. I have killed enough of them to know how much underworld would pay someone to kill me. The last time I remember the amount was in millions, tabs say they doubled up to billion with the contribution from a few big underdogs who want me gone. 

And yet here I was, sitting with someone whom even they respected or feared, also that someone placed a bet for me to make out without being shot, should've said make out alive from here. 

But this is fun too. I love challenges, and this is the most thrilling one I ever came across, apart from Jungkook that is.

"You fine, angel?" I could feel the smile in his words, I don't even have to turn my head to know he is smiling. The type of smile that belittles smirking.

"What do I get if I win?" I needed a motivation, something to pull out the greed in me to out done everyone and everything. 

"Any gun of your choice, even customized if you want. Legal, illegal, no matter. Tempting enough?" More than enough. He knew I had something for guns. They were my only company when no one was, and I believe would be in future too.

"You didn't listen my side, angel. What I get if I win, from you." 

"What is it that you want?"

This time, I didn't but he turned is head towards me, too close to me, his hand on my thigh, his lips touching my ear as he whispered.

" For an hour, you will be mine, my toy to play with. I get to have you my way.


uk...I got theseee many books so...i am like..I want some romance..let's go to thiss book! I want something..spicy! Let's write this book! I want fight! Let's write this book!

I am happy i gave them...different ...something? so i won't be bored of same characters in all book.


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