6-The dinner

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Jimin was happy. He was happy to meet someone as generous as Tae, but to more, he met Yoongi. The man was unapproachable, but Jimin was smitten at first sight. His pale skin, droopy eyes gave a sudden rush of warm yet chilly feelings to him. He didn't know if it was the feeling or the happiness of feeling something.

"Jimin, this is your room. If you need anything you can't find, just knock that door. Yeah, not mine as I am mostly out, and when home I am knocked out to sleep." Yoongi was giving Jimin a house tour by sitting on the couch, yawning in every two minutes unknown to the fact that Jimin was imprinting his image in the back of his mind.

"Got it?" Yoongi's hoarse voice snapped Jimin back to the real world, blinking rapidly to get used to the surroundings.

"Y-Yeah. Thank you Yoongi-ssi" Jimin bowed his head in gratitude to which Yoongi just waved off and went back to his room leaving Jimin alone with his phone.

How our whole life can change just in a second. Just yesterday he was beaten up for not replying to his wife's question and talking back to her. 

Tae was in his room, with Yoongi who was deeply immersed in his laptop, searching for some thing or someone to be exact. He can't just let someone stay in their home, near Tae. He has done a lot to protect Tae and he won't let his lil stubborn brother's kindness spoil that. He was hacking through all confidential information about the Park family. And strangely he couldn't find anything suspicious about the new lil guy except for the fact that they had very little and basic information of him.

"Found anything?" Tae asked as he was getting bored of Yoongi sitting and tapping his laptop furiously. 

"There isn't anything really suspicious about him. Whatever he told you was true as it's given here. He is abused by his family for being the unwanted child. Park couple wanted just a single child, but they ended up getting Jimin too. And on top of that, he was extra sensitive and soft, contrast to his elder brother, it irked the Parks and hence they used him as their stress reliever. In between there was a video leaked by one of the maids working there but quickly taken down by Parks." 

Tae listened to all the information about Jimin attentively and nodded. He was now clear about Jimin causing any harm.

"Okay hyung, I will be off to sleep just inform me while leaving. We have to go a neighbor's house, he lives in the same building. Don't ask me why I accepted, just randomly. He is new here, in Korea by the way." Tae left yawning after filling him up about the event and scheduled tasks.

While Yoongi was still puzzled about the neighbor thing but shook his head knowing if Tae has excepted it then it's fine.

It was evening. Tae was sleeping like a bear hibernating with no worries of his screaming alarm that indicated it's time to go for the dinner. He had set it for himself but instead, both Jimin and Yoongi were wide awake looking at him with two different expressions.

Yoongi knew the younger, so he just sighed and went over to the kitchen to bring a wet napkin whereas Jimin turned the alarm off hesitantly. But his eyes widened in shock as he saw Yoongi wiping Tae's face with the wet napkin making the man groan and pat the bed beside him.

"Get away lil broccoli, he throws whatever he gets his hands on." Jimin acted as if he didn't heard the other calling him broccoli and changed his side, going to Yoongi's side instead. And exactly as Yoongi said, Tae threw the T.V remote that he found beside him in his direction which was also the alarm's direction.

"Get up sleepy head. You are supposed to go for dinner, you even warned me beforehand so I am not making any thing now."

Tae nodded sleepily and sat up looking around with half lidded eyes. Then sighing he dragged his half-awoken self to bathroom to freshen up. Jimin saw Yoongi hanging a robe outside the bathroom door handle and motioned him to come out that he compiled and left Tae's room.

Soon they all were ready to go. Tae looked at the address one last time before he crumbled the paper and shoved it inside his hoodie pocket. Both Yoongi and Jimin could just follow Tae who seemed like he knew which route to take for that particular apartment and within few minutes they arrived there. 

The initials on the name plate made Yoongi paler than he was.

"Tae, what's the na-"

"Oh, hey Kim!" Yoongi's eyes were wide open, body stiff as he saw the man in front of him who didn't even acknowledge his presence instead got indulged in the conversation with Tae.

"Come on in guys! Jin hyung they arrived!" Jungkook said as he guided them to sit while calling for someone that Tae assumed his friend.

"Welcome you all. I am grateful you took it upon his invitation and joined us. It seems like we got fortune on our step by having you handsome hunks here." The man with broad shoulder's named Jin said, passing them a small smile.

"Well, no one says no to free food. I am Kim-"

"Oh no worries! Jungkook here told me about you and this cute boy here. But we don't know about him, your friend I guess?" Jin asked turning towards Yoongi who was looking at him then Tae with a blank, bored out face.

"Yea, he the friend I was talking about." Jin nodded and turned towards Yoongi with his hands forward for a handshake.

"I am Jin, Kim SeokJin. Nice meeting you, again." The last word was just lip movement, but Yoongi caught on that internally fuming with anger and nervousness. He is worried if Jungkook decides to open his mouth, it's end for him and the illegal hacker too, cause one way or other, he is still Tae's target and knowing that man he will spill about Yoongi too.

"Hey Gunner!" 

Yoongi snapped his head at Jungkook's direction hearing the name he called Tae by. He then turned towards Tae to see the other calm as if knowing why the latter called him that.

"Hey Jeon."

"How did you two met?" Yooni asked jumping in between, discreetly glaring at Jungkook who just passed a mischievous smile at him with a sparkling eye.

 "You are asking as if they are newly married couples!!" Jin butted laughing loudly which was so contagious that it made Tae chuckle as well and he joined in the joke.

 "Well, we can be."

"We will be."


"I said we will be Tae."


the way my eyes were droopin....not gonna do the proofcheck..tell me the mistakes.


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