27- Worth it

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Taehyung's POV-

It was a challenge, and I wasn't going to back out without a fight. The auction started and soon the air was filled with tension. The higher the bids will go, the higher Jungkook's profit will be. He looked very much pleased with the situation. He is sitting like a majestic king between the bidders, right leg crossed over his left one by his ankle resting over his knees of left leg. I didn't notice before but his hand was behind me on my chair giving out a sense of possession to others. 

"Any familiar faces, angel?" Well, his was the most familiar one if he wants to know. His eyes were set on the bidding but his head tilted towards me for answer. 

"Any? There are many. The man from third row second chair, he must be butchering me in his thoughts now the way he is glaring at me. I think, I killed his brother? Or father was it? Then the orange shirt, weird color right? The more weirder personality. He is the type to play russian roulette with me. I can point out ten people who would risk it to have me." 

I was telling him how they will do anything to kill me and he is laughing? Well he might be also one of the-

"Wha-" His hand behind my chair in a blink was wrapped around my nape as he pulled me close to his face, his mouth hovering right above mine as he stared as me with a dark glint in his eyes. 

"Sad for them angel, none of them can have you. You are only mine. Azrael, the angel of death,  belongs to the Hades." I couldn't comprehend, nor stop him as he leaned closer placing his closed lips on my parted ones giving a soft innocent kiss. My eyes were open, looking at his closed ones as he kept his lips unmoving over mine. It might be the softest one till now, without any movement, just a mere touch against each other still felt like the most intimate one.

I recoiled back in my seat, my face heating up while he leaned back, looking ahead like none of the things happened. Everyone around us did the same even if they saw anything. 

The auction was coming to an end and my heart beat was rising with every second. Not out of fear but keeping my all senses awake to look out for danger from any direction. It was like any other ending but I knew better, letting my guard down will cost me my life.

"Be good angel." Once again he whispered in my ears, giving a light peck on my cheeks like we are a couple out for business and I am wife while he is going to meet his business partners. 

"Do I get a gun?" I mean, what? Am I suppose to fight someone who's with a gun barehandedly?  

"You shot me enough, angel. I am no fool to hand you a gun here." The way he smiled at me told me he knew I would shoot every single person here, maybe him too if I get a gun. He looked hot when he was serious about something, each words laced with dominance, oppressing the other. His hands on my waist kept me steady at a place while he talked to someone who I surprisingly didn't know. Either too new or too old in underworld. 

"Can we go already? I won the bet-" My words cut short as I heard a gun shot and all the easiness washed out of my body, back on alert mode. My eyes scanned the whole room for the culprit and I found him. The man who was glaring at me, I knew he won't leave this chance. This time, he spotted me and aimed right towards me. Just as he fired I slipped behind Jungkook who was clearly enjoying this. 

"I will fucking kill you Azrael!!" That's what his brother said, look where he ended up. He again fired and this time it barely touched my shoulder, hitting the man behind me. This rat needs to learn a fucking lesson! I didn't had a gun with me, but who said I need gun? 

"You killed my brother! I wi-Ahh!" His words cut off with a loud scream as the red blood vial dagger was buried in his eyes, soaking in his blood. My dagger got a taste of blood for the very first time today, pig blood to be exact.

"Angel, are you trying to woo me? I am already very much enchanted by you and this makes me more hungry for you if anything." Jungkook flipped me from behind his back to front, holding me close, so close with no space between us as he spoke. His each word was heard by everyone in here as it was pin drop silence. Even gangsters don't get on assassins bad side since killing for them is a piece of cake. They don't like their work messy, they like it quick and you would never know who it was. The line between a serial killer nd assassin is very thin, when they start killing out of avenge and not for money, that's when you should fear about your life. And knowing Jungkook, they know better than that.

"Now, what's the one rule you must follow when you enter in my events?" This time his voice was loud for everyone to hear clear and sharp. 

"No use of gun, Hades." One of them, I remember his face but not name, he answered. Suddenly, leaving me standing Jungkook walked to the man who was now on the chair, crying with his bloody eyes.

"And what did you do? You shot my guest, my special guest. You know what happens now." Right on cue, two men came stripping the man off any guns and threw him out. Guess his purchased gun won't be given to him too.

"Gentlemen, let's go home? The show is over, so is the auction!" To his words, everyone hurriedly started walking out, leaving just a few men with us. He nodded me to walk too so I finally stood up, after witnessing enough drama while sitting on his chair. Today was fun. 

Oh but my dagger?

"Searching for this angel?" I turned towards him as he flipped the jewel embedded dagger with his own blood filled vial attached to the handle in his palm. He took a bottle of water then proceeded to wash off the blood before wiping it with tissue. Clean as if it was never soaked in blood.

"There. All pretty like you." Rolling my eyes I took it back, tucking it in my coat before I remembered something. I held his shoulders with my both hands, getting close to him as he squinted his eyes playfully at me, a smile dancing over his lips at my acts.

"So, I won the bet." As I whispered, in a heart beat he hitched me close to him, his lips grazing my ear tips as he softly kissed there. He was a deadly combination of soft but lethal.

"My angel, I really love your winnings, but this time, I want to win. I need to win." Before I could reply a gunshot echoed in the hall. I felt numb for first few seconds but then it came all crashing down making me almost fall if not for his tight grip over me.

Bastard shot my right foot!

"See, now I won the bet and get to carry you in my arms too." It took no genius to know he was pleased with his decision, ecstatic even. 

"You rat bastard!" My words came out with a wince as he grinned before scooping me in his arms and walking out, a victory smile decorating all over his face. My hands were wind up around his neck as he pressed his cheeks to my head, smiling lovingly while doing so. I didn't want to give him any more satisfaction so I hide my face in his neck, his hands tightening over my waist and under my thighs as he was carrying me like a bride. He smells, good.

I once peaked at his face, a wide smile on his face as he looked down at me. It made me think, maybe it's worth it. He is worth it. He is worth getting shot.


I leally leally leally lob this book.....get me a jungkook....like this one...he can shoot me...and I will say it's worth it...he is worth it.... :)


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