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Jungkook's POV-   

"Is my order ready?" This is the third time I am asking. Now, I am not asking for my food parcel. No. I won't wait patiently for that. What I am waiting for, is worth my patience and wait. It's been a week I crafted my Initials on him, right above his heart which is mine, or will be mine? Who cares for heart, he will be mine, his soul will be mine, his existence will be mine, he will live for me.

"Sure sir. Should I pack it?" I thought about it, I should gift it to him. So, I nodded. Will he be happy? Of course, but how much happy? Happy enough to kiss me? Wait, I can take that anytime. Happy enough to kill for me? Now that's the question. Will he kill for me? But,

can I kill for him? Kill my colleagues for him?

We will see that in future. I just jumped from killing him to kissing him, if I jumped from kissing him to killing for him, then it would mess up things, a lot of things.

I was in front of my building when I saw my angel on the other side in his casuals, and damn does he look hot in his casuals? If not hot then he looks cute, cuddly and everything that makes me want to bite him, with my lips. Can't help, you see? Now, I would be rude and jerk if I saw him and didn't greet him. So, I am walking towards him with my eyes shining looking at him but his seems wide, shocked to see me I guess.

"Ang-Ohw!" I looked at him wide eyed as he pulled me on the side, his face expression reflecting immense anger before it went down to nothing, blank.  I opened my mouth to speak but his one glare made me bite back my words. What offended him? My existence?

Possible. I am a walking nuisance. 

"Are your eyes shoved up your ass?" I was taken aback by his question. He is calling me blind?

"No? My eyes are right here staring at you-"

"Then why the fuck couldn't you see the car coming at your way!?" Oh. 

OH! Now I realized and it made me grin ear to ear. I leaned close to him, wiggling my eyebrows at him to which he gave me a pretty, disgusted expression if you ask me. But it's him, he can do it and I would still stare at him love struck. He is that angel for me.

"You were scared for me, angel?" I sang swinging back and forth in front of him, chuckling when he showed me aside, grumpily stomping his way away. But, it's not me if I don't chase him. So here I am trailing behind him closely like I am some teenage highschool boy chasing his crush. Well, I never went to highschool so I have no idea. 

What? You really don't expect someone who rarely got any meals in a day to prioritize degree or certificate. I mean, I can tell you everything about gun, aiming and numbers. That keeps the money coming and I get to live a good life, I never met anyone in my life who rejected me after knowing I got no educational certificate.


"Yes angel?" I quickly hopped to catch his pace, now walking beside him. He looks calm, serene but knowing him he will plan murder with a smile on his face. Smile, I have never really seen him smiling, freely smiling with no care. 

"You must have searched everything about me, from my past to my present." Well, he was not lying nor I am planning to so I just shrugged. He was saying the truth anyways, so what's the use of lying? You do something, then be ready for it's consequences too. 

"What about you? What's your past?" I chuckled at his question looking at him with ridiculous expression. He really thinks I will share it with him? My past with someone who might want to hunt me down with it.

Well, then he thinks right cause yes, I will share. I mean, we gotta be fair in game.

"Let's have some desert before we get in the story telling cause, come on angel, you must have something that isn't written on any paper or known to anyone else but you. I want to know that, want to be the first and last person to know about it." He didn't opposed. Instead he stared at me, for good 5 seconds before walking ahead. That's a green signal! 

"What do you like angel? Strawberry or chocolate?" In response he just sighed and shook his head making me pout. If he will tell me then I can make that cookies for him. Cookies from Kookie! You need to be lucky to have cookies made by Kookie!

"Now, now, don't use that cliche line of 'you' as answer. I won't be able to stand you then." And just like that I blabbered until we reached a garden. He wants to sit in garden? Well, I am hungry but.

"What?" I stared at him as he looked at me, expecting an answer. Can't he see I am hungry? When I was small people looked at me and told me I look hungry.

"You can't see I am hungry?" I was genuinely asking him. Well, I never asked anyone else though. I have lived with Jin as the only human company and I never really asked him, I just ate alone or dragged him with me so never got the chance. And I considered him blind most of the time so.

"You can't look at someone and tell they are hungry, unless they are really malnourished and on the verge of dying from starvation." Oh.

"No wonder they could guess I was hungry." I mumbled out unconsciously but he heard it making him frown. But then he again turned back to neutral face and held my hand. He is holding my hand? That's a progress.

"Where are we going? Wow angel slow dow-ow! I almost stumbled you bitch!" I whined as I tried to keep my pace with his. Why is he in so much hurry! 

Finally he stopped, or should I say we stopped.  I looked up and saw a restaurant? It looked too fancy to be a restaurant. Why are we here though? Turning towards my angel, I saw him staring at me already. Ok, now he is behaving weird, but good weird. I am happy!

"Let's go in, or you are planning to stay out forever?" I didn't answer, or should I say I didn't got to answer before he again held my hand but this time I intertwined our fingers, smiling widely at him, getting myself dragged in. It feels better than killing someone!

We got a table in the far away corner which is good as everyone seemed to be staring at us. I want to shove the knife that's on their table in their eyes. That's when they will know where to look and where to not. 

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me and I sat thinking about it. What would I like to eat?



"Ok ok, how about you order for me? I don't know." I really don't know what to order. what if I regret what I ordered? 

"Fine. Then if you whined later I would shoot your ass."

"Ouch angel that's perverts' place. Are you one? Well, if you are, you better be only for me!" 

I am enjoying this moment too much. I should enjoy, who knows when he decides to kill me? We never know~


I changed my book's name.....cz old names were given as a temporary thingy when I kept the books in default.


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