8-Legal or illegal

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It has been a week since the dinner. Needless to say, Tae and Jungkook have been great friends, if drinking together, sharing ciggs and candies count as being one.

It was evening, Tae was sleeping peacefully after his night work when the ringing of his phone woke him up. He knew it was Yoongi as he saved a different ringtone for him, and that man knows better than to call him in daytime without any serious issue.

"What is i-"

"Check the official's group-" Tae left Yoongi hanging in mid of the call and quickly opened the group chat of all the officials he had only to see them bickering on some news. Frowning he scrolled up to see the issue.

'The legal sniper is no longer legal?'

'Does Azrael have connections with underworld?'

'Who is next on Azrael's target?'

His clutch around the phone hardened as he read all the allegations. There were many questions in his head. He can't blame the officials as all the clues were pointing towards him. He tried to calm himself by taking deep breaths, squatting to distract himself from the current situation as he doesn't want to take any decisions in rush and spoil everything.

"There's someone who fucking wants to be free forever."

"The fuck do you mean there's again a fraud case that too similar with the gown man? As far as I know we caught that wimp!" 

The whole department was in hustle after getting this news while the officers who caught the supposed gown man were interrogating him trying to get some clues out of him as he was chilling silently in there.

"Speak up, we don't have all day to spend with you!" Namjoon spat as he crouched down to the criminal's level and gripped his jaw forcing him to look up.

"I told you all I am not the one!! It was my first time!"

"No wonder you got caught easily. Dumbass." 

Hoseok spoke for the first time since they have been in the interrogation room. He was looking at all the loopholes and clues and he finally understood something.

They all are a bunch of idiots.

"Joon, leave him. He is saying the truth, the gown thief case is quite famous so no wonder these street thugs would try to copy him, but only wearing a gown won't make you 'gown thief' dumbass." Muttering in disgust Hoseok pulled Namjoon out of the cell to discuss the points they were missing since forever.

"Joon, we did many mistakes as we got blinded by victory. Remember the gown thief wears glorious expensive gowns that not everyone can afford. And not being gay but he has a good figure, there's no way he is that man. It seems like after being silent for days, he is back to work. Check the cctv, not like we have any other clue." The last sentence came out as a sigh knowing that's the basic thing they have to check and still they don't get any clue from it.

It was evening, Tae was out for a walk as his morning was not so pleasant and he is still fuming. In order to not kill anyone, he is out for fresh air in the nearby garden where not many people come at this time. There were many questions in his mind, it was nothing new but the only questions bugging him is.

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