Chapter 26

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Now that it's night time, it's time for a walk. I made sure no one was awake. I got to the window and straight to the forest. Once I was at the forest, I sat down on a nearby rock and opened the note.
"Not again."
I said with annoyance. I began to look up. It's a new moon, it's time.

I woke up in alert. Something didn't feel right. I looked around, and saw that Elsa was gone. Don't panic, don't panic. Maybe she's just getting water. I thought as I tried not to panic. I walked toward the kitchen and saw no one. That's odd, then maybe she's at the living room. Knowing her, she didn't like the idea of us sleeping in the same room. I went and she's not even there either. I began to panic. She's not here, and now her sister is going to kill me. Then an possible reason pop in my mind, maybe she went for a run. She has to lose some steam because of her dark side. I mean her hair is completely black. That's not a good sign, more that she has the capability to kill me. I shook my head.
"Ok Jack there's only one thing you need to do."
I began to put on my hoodie and shoes and sneaked out of the window. I made sure that punzie or Anna didn't saw me. I then sniffed the air and caught a scent.
I went and followed the scent. I knew that she was close. It lead me not to Elsa but to couple walking down the woods.
"Are you lost?"
They continued on walking but a little faster.
"Do you need help?"
That cause the couple to stop. They then turn around and I gasped. They are like us. Werewolves. But I have a feeling that they are not ordinary werewolves. The brunette woman had electric blue eyes...
like Elsa's...
while the chestnut haired man has striking purple eyes.
Purple eyes...
"Yes, have you seen my daughters?"
"No I haven't. Sorry."
"Are you sure? My eldest has the most beautiful chocolate brown hair and my youngest has bright turquoise eyes."
I then look at them with pity. They lost their children and they remembered the most specific details of them.
"Sorry but I really didn't see anyone with that description."
"But you said-"
Then the lady shushed him and looked at me with a calm expression.
"It's fine, we'll be on our way."
They walked away. Could the man be what my mother said?
Unknown pov
I secured my cape and placed the hood over my head covering my raven hair. I knew that I have to attend it. More that I'm the leader of it.
"Welcome back."
Said one of the people there. Every one bowed and then was seated on their spots while I take the the middle.
"We all know what this meeting is about."
Everyone nods. I began to talk about the problem when I heard movement in the wood. The footsteps were loud and clear. Everyone was at ready to attack as well as I. Their teeth started to appear as well as their claws. Then a woman and a man appeared. Everyone gasp and made way for them. They began to bow down.
"It's Adgar and Idun."
"The Alpha and Luna."
"But how are they alive."
"I thought they were dead."
Those comments were made when they began to walk down towards me. What do they mean the Alpha and Luna? They look familiar but that didn't let my guard down.
"Who are you and what brings you to intrude my meeting?"
The man puffed out his chest and his voice boomed the area.
"We are Adgar and Idun. We won't cause any harm."
Said the man. The woman, who I presume is Idun, came close to me.
"Have you seen my two daughters? We had been looking for them ever since."
Their scent is so familiar. Why does it smell so familiar? I turned around and looked at the ground, causing my hair to fall forward. My hair is back to it's normal state. Platinum blonde.
"I don't know any whereabouts of your daughters."
I turned around and saw that the woman was on her knees.
"Please help us find them."
I look at her and finally decided to help.
"What's their appearance?"
"My eldest has beautiful brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. My little one has strawberry blonde hair as well as turquoise eyes."
I began to nod as they said their description.
"And what are their names?"
They look at each other. They said it with a smile.
"Their names are Elsa and Anna."

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