Chapter 7

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Elsa and Jack looked at the direction of the voices. Elsa then growls.

"Hans. Why did you bring us here!"

The guy known as Hans chuckled

"oh for revenge. And I got a new partner."

And a guy in black with yellow eyes came out. He gave Elsa and Jack a creepy smile. Then it was Jack's turn to growl.


He yelled as he began to struggle against the chains.

"oh so you know Pitch huh Jack?"

He then asked as he circled around them.

"let us go!"

Elsa said with a tone that Jack had never heard coming from her.

"How about no. I rather keep you here."

Then he went to Elsa's ear and began to whisper.

"Take care of Anna,"

Then he went to Jack.

"Watch your back."

Then Pitch took out two dolls the looks like Jack's siblings.

"Don't. You. Dare."

He said, gritting his teeth.

"Try me."

And Hans and Pitch disappear. Elsa didn't do anything.

"let's just sleep."

Jack recommended. Elsa lifted her head up and looks at Jack.

"No. We need to get out of here."

Jack fell asleep and Elsa didn't do anything else but to worry. Then she fell asleep. Then Jack woke up to the sound of Pitch's goons so-called nightmares unlocking the door. Jack checked his phone and saw its 8:00.

"hey wake her up or she will be killed."

One said. Jack shook Elsa and woke up.


The henchmen of Pitch and Hans took Elsa somewhere. And behind her was Jack struggling to be free.

"I'm sorry about the mess I put you in Jack."

Jack looked at her with pity. He was about to speak until he was interrupted. 

"aww this is a very lovely moment."

He chuckled at them.

"Now tie her up on the pole."

They tied up Elsa and began to set wood at the bottom. Elsa knew that it was her time.

"I'm sorry"

she whispered.  Jack began to panic.

"no Elsa you're not the one who needs to apologize. come on don't give up."

No reply.



Hans said as Jack began to struggle.

"now let's burn her alive"

he yelled with pride, and had began to set the fire.


Jack yelled. Elsa saw Jack struggling from the grip of the henchmen. Jack began to feel pain, a indescribable pain.


The flames were high so Elsa didn't see who screamed, but she heard a growl. Then she heard the metal snap. The flames around her disappeared, leaving black smoke surrounding her. Elsa began to lose her train of thought when she saw an outline of a person.


He didn't respond and grab Elsa. She looked behind seeing everyone on the building unconscious. He went running towards the woods.


Jack put her down, and fell on his knees.


Then something had surprised Elsa.


Jack faced her and Elsa got shocked. Jack's chestnut hair was white as snow and his eyes are electric navy blue.

"What's happening?"

Elsa thought of something quick.

"put on your hood."

Jack looks at Elsa confused.


He did what Elsa told him. They were at the woods almost close to Elsa's hideout.

"we need help let's go to my hideout."

~At the hideout~

Elsa slammed to door open, with Jack trailing behind her.


The tall man came looking at Elsa with a worried expression.

"What's wrong mate?"

"I need you help. There is something wrong with him. Contact North please."

Bunny nodded and began to call. A few minutes, North came. He greeted Elsa with a hug. 

"Hello Elsa."

He held both of her hands.

"what's wrong?"

Elsa looked at him and made him look at Jack.

"there's something wrong with Jack. His hair and eye color is different."

North went to Jack, and began to examine him.

"hmm. Can you take off the hood please Jack."

Jack took of his hood and his ears are wolf-like. North gave a shock look but then he looked at Elsa with a smile.

"he is like you Elsa."

Both of them looked at North.


He then taken out his list.

"Elsa is it full moon today?"

"yes. Why?"

He nodded and wrote it on his list.

"this is why. Now Jack control your anger."

Jack did what he was told and he went back to normal, except that his hair stayed white and his eyes became a Celeste blue, like Elsa's. North went to Jack, placing his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Now Jack, you have to stay here for tonight."

Then he faced Elsa.

"Elsa stay with him."

Elsa looks at North with disbelief.

"But North,"

"no buts Elsa, it's your turn to show what you know."

Elsa then thought about and gave a smile reply.



Stay tuned for the other chapter

By the way I need votes for my new book

Choice 1:

It's about the big five at high school

Lots of romance,and drama but the characters is going to have powers

Choice 2:

This story is about the super six as spies

Of course this story will have action, drama, and romance

Choose for the next story

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