Chapter 19

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been a few days since Izuku met Yasuo. It is evening when they both walk through the bazaar, but Yasuo accidentally bumps into an old man, causing him to drop his backpack. Yasuo is quick to react and helps the old man.

Yasuo: Apologies, O-fa. I didn't mean-

Old Man: It's all right. The spirits wait for no one. Looking to commune?

Yasuo looks up at the sky lost in thought.

Old Man: Why else would the great Yasuo come.

Yasuo looks at the old man.

Old Man: But are you ready?

Yasuo: Does that matter? I'll never make it up there in time anyway.

The old man chuckles and smiles.

Old Man: True. The road is long. Perhaps my own temple can still provide a way. The choice is yours.

And with that, the old man goes away. Izuku looks at Yasuo.

Izuku: What will you do?

Yasuo looks at Izuku and then after the old man.

Yasuo: Come Izuku.

Izuku nods and follows the sword master. The old man notices them and smiles.

Old Man: So you made your choice. But who is your young companion?

Yasuo: This is Izuku, my apprentice.

Old Man: Ahh good to know...

The three make their way up the mountain, the sun is slowly setting when the old man suddenly stops in front of a few trees.

Old Man: I'm sorry, but your apprentice has to stay here.

Izuku raises an eyebrow and looks at Yasuo, who seems uncertain. He turns to Izuku with a serious look.

Yasuo: Would you stay here while the ritual lasts?

Izuku crosses his arms and nods.

Izuku: OK, I'll wait here. Take care.

Yasuo nods and follows the old man again. Izuku sighs and sits against a tree and cups his hands against his head.

Izuku: Sigh, that's going to be something. At least I can rest a little now.

Izuku must have been sitting there for half an hour when he hears someone approaching, he opens his eyes and is surprised to see Ahri approaching from the side.

Izuku: We got to meet up again pretty soon Ahri.

Ahri stops abruptly she hadn't noticed the young man leaning against the tree. Her face and body still covered by her cloak, she slowly approaches Izuku, who is getting up.

Ahri: Hello Izuku...

Izuku smiles.

Izuku: Hi Ahri, what are you doing here?

Ahri: I'm just walking around.... and you?

Izuku: I'm waiting for one of my masters.

He sits on fallen tree and knocks on the place next to him.

Izuku: Sit down.

Ahri: Thank you.

Ahri sits next to Izuku and the two sit there for a while as Izuku reaches into his backpack and pulls out two blue-purple fruits that resemble a crescent moon. Ahri's eyes widen when she sees the fruit.

Ahri: Blue Moons!

Izuku looks at her with a startled look as he bursts out laughing.

Izuku: Someone seems to like these fruits! hahaha!

Ahri pouts and crosses her arms.

Ahri: I can't help it, they are too tasty.

Izuku smiles and hands her one of the Blue Moons.

Izuku: Here.

Ahri: You don't have to...

Izuku: Eat now. It tastes better when you share food.

Ahri accepts the fruit with a smile.

Ahri: Thank you.

Ahri pulls her hood back a little, but only so that her face is revealed. When Izuku sees her face, his heart stops for a moment. He's never felt like this for anyone...

Ahri: Everything okay?

Izuku: Yeah... don't worry about it.

Some time passes and the two talk for a while. They share stories, laugh and are happy. But suddenly the two hear a scream and a sadistic laughter. Izuku's eyes widen at the sound coming from Yasuo's direction. Without saying anything, he jumps up and runs towards where the noise is coming from, jumping over stones and sliding under trees. Arrived, he discovers Yasuo and someone else fighting a huge demon, Izuku recognizes the other immediately, it is Yone, a sword master in a fight with two swords.

 Arrived, he discovers Yasuo and someone else fighting a huge demon, Izuku recognizes the other immediately, it is Yone, a sword master in a fight with two swords

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The two battle the demon as Izuku runs towards them to help. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of Rakan's feathers, the feather lighting up as Izuku grows a wing and his clothes transform into Rakan's. Izuku dashes forward, a green glow follows him, landing under him and throwing the demon up into the air. Yone and Yasuo's eyes widen when they see Izuku.

Yone/Yasuo: Izuku?!

Izuku: NOW!

Yasuo and Yone jump up and destroy the demon with their combined attack. Now the two brothers stand apart from each other.

Yasuo: Take your revenge brother...

Izuku's eyes widen, he knows the two are brothers and what happened, but Yasuo saying such a thing shocks him.

Yone: You might deserve death, but not by my hand.

Yasou: Then there is nothing left for me in Ionia.

Yasuo turns around and sees that Yone is gone.

Yone: Even the wind has a path, Brother.

Yasou: Farewell... Yone.

Yasuo walks past Izuku, who is looking towards the direction where Yone has disappeared.

Yasuo: Are you coming Izuku?

Izuku: Sorry. But I will go with Yone, maybe we will meet again, but I have to keep training. Thank you Yasuo for everything.

Ahri walks up to the two of them with Izuku's backpack in hand.

Ahri: Izuku your backpack, is everything okay?

Izuku: Yeah, thank you Ahri. I have to go now, maybe we'll meet again. The time was really nice.

Ahri: Thanks Izuku. I had fun too.

And with that, Izuku disappears into the forest.

To be continued.

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