Episode 21|What happened| Part 2

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"What?" The man asks me with a confused face

"Who am I?"

The man takes a second before he answers "My wife darling" Coming closer and taking my handcuffs off. He places his hand to my chin.

"You wish" I say and grab a metal tube from the ground, hitting him to his head. His body is laid to the ground.

"Phew-" I say and I tie my hair in a ponytail. "Now what's next?" I murmur to myself. I am going closer to his desk. There's his OP. I grab it and his sheriff. I walk past him and head to the rooftop of the building.

I step out to the roof. "Let's see" I say as I place the OP to watch this mirror's earth city. I close my left eye and look through the scope. I carefully watch the city until my eye catch the building we were earlier.

"Thats where I have to go" I whisper and I take the OP again and place it with a string behind my back. I tie my boots better and take a deep breath. "Dont be a coward" I breath out and jumb off the roof.

I finally touch the ground. My eyes are looking around checking for enemies. People like me are not welcomed here. I pass through small streets fastly without anyone seeing me. I am like a shadow. 

I carefully enter inside the building. No one is here. With my sheriff I check the area just in case. My figure is finally in front of the teleport, but it is closed. My fingers mimic Neons movements from earlier. The weird part is that it worked. I powered the TP. Me.

I walk through it once again, but this time, I am going back home. The moment I arrive I shoot the Teleport to make it close, and that's when I collapsed.

Sova's Pov

"Lets go back to the Teleport" I suggest and everyone nods. 

Viper stands up and grabs a gun. "Hurry up" she orders and gets out of the room.

Forever Undone | Chamber x Fem reader | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now