12.doe eye's

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The next day was a bit weird for taehyung.
First Jin just barged into his room threw his blanket away then just kicked him out of bed while cursing at the poor boy for being a lazy ass.

The said boy stared at his Hyung from the floor while pouting and glaring at him.

"Don't glare at me young man"jin said rolling his eye's at younger.

"What are you even doing in my room early in the morning" taehyung whined in his deep raspy morning voice.

"I'm sleepy," taehyung whined and drifted off to dreamland on the floor while his ass was up in the air.

"Yahhhh you brat get up and help me carry these" Jin glared at the sleeping beauty while carrying seven pillows and two fluffy blankets with difficulty.

Jin kicked the boy's ass while throwing blankets and pillows on said boy's bed.

"What" taehyung yawned trying to function what's going on...

"What?" Jin asked glaring at the younger.

"Stand up and help your handsome Hyung carry these things, young man" jin sassed

"From where the hell these things even came from as long as I remember I only had two pillows in my motherfucking room" Taehyung asked with his wide eyes

"Ohh" jin scratched his nape while mumbling I don't know ask mom. I'm
Not free to answer your stupid questions" which was audible for younger to hear.

"Now what are you staring at help me brat carry these to the next room to yours"
Jin said or screamed at the younger Idk ask this to the poor baby.

"I'm not going anywhere or doing anything I'm sleepy" he mumbled and went off to his dreamland again!

Jin threw water at his face "get up or I'm throwing you out of your fucking room!!" Jin said pointing at the window indicating that he'll throw him from the window.

Taehyung groaned"Hyung water is cold"

"I know that's the reason I pour it on your face you alien-looking human" jin said in a duhh tone.

"You helping me or not??" Jin asked pointing at himself while glaring at the bear who is trying to hide under the bed.

'Hyung it's just 5 AM who the hell even works this early in the morning' taehyung whined internally.

"No" he simply retorted.

"Ok, so I'm telling mom that it was you who broke her favorite expensive new American vase which she wanted to show to her friends not my poor baby joonie." jin said with a smirk he knew that younger will help him after this.

"Huh, your wish" taehyung scoffed." do you even have any proof??"taehyung laughed.

"Everyone knows that it's always joonie hung who broke things" he smirked at the older now fully awake little did he know that he's boomed.

"Ohhh so little baby here needs proof?? hmmm, interesting " jin flipped his phone between his fingers and then searched for something on it after finding what he was searching for he showed younger a video where he's doing something on his phone then he suddenly bumped into a coffee table and the vase crashed on the floor.

Taehyung stood up immediately and picked up everything.

"Where to put these World Wide Handsome Hyung," he asked cutely showing his puppy eyes. jin just laughed at him shaking his head in amusement.

"Next room to yours" he said amused by the younger's duality.

Taehyung did as told. Awwww poor baby always getting so many chores.

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