Storybook Part 1

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Blue: *wakes up* Where are we this time? *looks at clothes*

Blue's POV

I look over and see the boys and Ella all in different cages with different clothes I had on a grey top with a grey flannel pattern at the abdomen, grey shorts, a red flannel tied around my waist, grey converse, grey knee socks. I saw a mirror in the corner and saw I had wolf ears and a wolf tail around my waist. I opened my mouth and my teeth were a little sharper.. What the heck?

Suddenly, I was teleported to a stage and the backround was a forest. Ella was next to me in in a little red riding hood outfit with a basket, yet she wasn't looking at me. I peered out into the audience to see only puppets. My mouth began to open and I began to sing, but I wasn't in control.

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood

You sure are looking good

You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Listen to me

Little Red Riding Hood

I don't think little big girls should

Go walking in these spooky old woods alone


What big eyes you have

The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad

So just to see that you don't get chased

I think I ought to walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have

They're sure to lure someone bad

So until you get to grandma's place

I think you ought to walk with me and be safe

I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on

Until I'm sure that you've been shown

That I can be trusted walking with you alone


Little Red Riding Hood

I'd like to hold you if I could

But you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't


What a big heart I have-the better to love you with

Little Red Riding Hood

Even bad wolves can be good

I'll try to be satisfied just to walk close by your side

Maybe you'll see things my way before we get to

grandma's place

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood

You sure are looking good

You're everything that a big bad wolf could want


I mean baaaaaa


Then the world went black.

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