No more #Mouble?

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Me:ok so today's dare is that we have to tell our crushes.......yep....I'll go first...! My crush is obviously Double! Since he's my boyfriend.....but I have 2 crushes........

Double:My crush is...............Bodil.......

Me:Say what now?

Double: ummm, I'm sorry Blue but I see you as a sister, not any more or any less....I'm sorry!

Me:give me a moment *runs away full out sobbing*

Boxy and Jerome: Blue wait! *runs after me*

Pearston: My crush is......Miya......yep I said it I LOVE Miya!

OK so hey guys what's up! I am actually over Mouble, but I still love him.....but whatever! So the dare will actually continue next chapter! And I pon a side note I'm not a ghost anymore so I am going to change my background and this time it's not a ship I'm going to stay true to myself when I make this Boxy if you are reading this you don't have to make me and Double hate each other or anything its just I like another youtuber now....too!

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