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So jays before this chapter starts, imma tell you dis.....THANK YOU! AND JAY ARMY YOU NOT GONNA LIKE THIS DARE!

Me:hey guys and today's dare is from Boxy.....again. And the dare is for......OH BUDDER BOY!


Me:We has gots a dare for you, biggums!

Lily:that dare have to jump in a swimming pool of squid poop......

All the girls:*burst out laughing*

-19 hours later-

Jerome: and they passed out......

Me:IMM ALIVE! Biaches!

Boys: *some are laughing and some screamed*

Me: and that my jays is how you scare the boys....anyways on to da dare.....*drags adam*

Adam: *thrown into giant pool of squid poo* GROSS! EW! EW! EW! BOXY, BLUE, AND LILY YOU ARE ALL DEAD!

Me and lily:what did we do?! Boxy made the dare!

Adam: I know but now I am going to make a dare for you 3.....

Girls: *gulp* ×_×

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