This is basically an update chapter more will come on this main part later!

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Me: hey jays the guys just got back from "Lunch" but I was talking to my friend OMGitsBuddersorcerer and she said they were just at her and Martin's house watching the new Equestria girls movie Rainbow Rocks, now Brinley and a little but of Jerome are left out of this but.....the guys not so lucky...hehe..

Brin: *walks into room in pajamas* what are you doing up its to early for dis nonsense....

Me: Brin it's woke up actually earlier than back in Middle School. New record!

Brin: Shut up, Blue......I swear to Mianite....I will hurt you...

Me: hehe good luck with that, I am a worshipper of Dianite boi.....

Brin: like Green man?

Me:Idk...I think I still like Preston. But then again I stopped watching most of my brothers friends.....but I've been mostly focused on Mianite. Catching up and such.

True story! I have been watching so much Mianite i haven't watched any of Teamcrafted videos or anybody if I'm behind I'm sorry....and also again i don't know what's going on with my feels but I'm in love with






• Preston


And weirdly enough


Like why does being a teenage girl have to be so hard? Ugh...F.M.L.P.

(Fuck my life plz)

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