Home Again?

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Play the music up top or to the side to set the mood for da chapter..

Miya ' s POV

I sat back in my chair and got onto Itunes on my iPhone. I began to play a fitting song. I listened to my music and fell asleep. When i woke up it was by the rambling of the captain saying i was landing....hello California. Long time no see... I already had the green card so I began to run home. Home to Jerome, Home to Boxy, Home to the guys....I arrived at the doorstep of my old studio and i fixed my hair...i knocked....a boy with a rather large nose answered the door....



I wiped the tears that was brimming on my eyelids...i nodded..he pulled me into a hug, a girl with long brown hair and lime green tips was behind him..she took out her black and green toxic earbuds..

B: Jello, who was at th- BLUE!!!!!

M: Boxy?

She nodded and I embraced her in a hug and 2 more girls one around my age and the other about Boxy's age jumped on top of us both, both of them screaming my name.....then it clicked...


Then the rest of the guys came down and they all looked at me....not realizing different I was real or not.....

A and T: Who are you?

M:You guys really don't remember do you....i mean it has been 3 years but know I am just insulted....gawd....

P and Ja: M-miya?

M: No, it's the milkman...and I'm not Ryan....


B, Br,and L: Wait, aren't you engaged to Tom?

At that I fell to the ground and broke out into a loud sobbing mess on the floor. The girls came down with me and the guys all looked at me....

M: H-he cheated on me.....

After a few minutes of us four girls trying to calm the guys down, I ran upstairs and Ty followed soon after...I ran up to him and I had a brilliant idea! Since Preston decided to not believe me...I was going to make him jealous..he deserves it....

M: Hey Ty? You are single right?

T:Yeah, why?

M:would you like to help make Preston jealous?

T: After what he did to you of course.

M: Ok, so.....don't get mad but...we have to pretend date.....

T: EH!?!?!

M: Only for a little while!! Ples?

T: O....k....I'm in....so how are we going to do this...

M:Ok, so here *extends hand towards Ty*

T: so we hold hands? *takes hand*

M: well that's not all...we have to go on dates...and eventually kiss....

T: So, Ms. Blue, you ready?

M: Yes I am......Mr. Lox...

T:*still holding hands* so......you wanna be My girlfriend? *winks*

M: Ty! OF course I'll be your girlfriend!!!!

We ran downstairs and all the guys stared at us and our hands that are together...perfectly...huh....

All da guys except Ty: what da heell is guring onnn....

T and M: we are dating ner....yays!!!

Everbody except the 2: WHAT?!?!

T and  M: yeah......we're gonna go record now...

The  End

Before you jays say anything this isn't the end of the book merely the end of this whole book section...so calm yo tits....thank you...jeebus....anyways BAI!!! Blue flying off and please send in dares....ples?

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