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Marco: That blonde kid, Killer he...uh...framed your girl yoi

Kidd and Shanks were so shock. The cigarette fell from their feet. They can feel a small tingle of burn sensation from their toes. No, it wasn't the cigarette, it was a burn from their heart, which skips a beat like a tornado that swirls around non-stop.

Kidd: You are a fucking liar. Killer would never do that, you whitebeard son of a b*tch

Marco: Oi oi now don't go all mad at me yoi. Watch the recording yourselves.

Shanks didn't say a word, he observed the recording.


Diamente whispered in a low tone and still laughed after he finished.

Diamente: One of your close friends, Killer, has betrayed the RS shanks. He's been working under the Kaido family. BAHAHAHA!

The words he said to you made you shock and pulled the trigger.

Diamente: You lowly so called of a stupid gang.

"No y/n don't do it. His words doesn't matter, it's all a lie." you were in your own thought. You stopped and threw the gun until someone gently picked it up.

You didn't noticed he was here the whole time, he was sitting on Shanks chair watching the whole scene goes out.

Killer: What a shame. I thought you would pulled the trigger, I'll do it myself if you don't

Diamente: What? We didn't agree on that!

Killer: Well master Kaido said the deal is off and thank you for your trashy effort.

"Killer? Hey Killer! What are you doing here?"

Killer: Tch— don't fucking act all friendly Y/n or should I say Mika? Let me show you my true side old friend


Diamente: You bas—

Killer pulled the trigger shooting Diamente and you yelled "NOOOO!". He smirked and stabbed you in the stomach.

Killer mumbled something to y/n ear and said "Tell Shanks and Kidd to fuck off."

—End scene

Kidd was laughing, losing his mind watching the whole thing. He took the recorder and threw it to the ground, smashing it with his feet. Shanks still didn't say a word.

Marco: That was expensive you bastard

Kidd: Shut the fuck up

Marco: Good thing I made a copy of it yoi.

Shanks smoked once again. He waved at Kidd and Marco and sat down on the bench. He was looking at the sky, observing the different shape of clouds, he was laughing when he saw a shape of an umbrella. He closed his eyes and went back to the past thinking about the old days.

He heard footsteps coming through and opened his eyes. Marco was sitting next to him, smiling.

Marco: What are you thinking about yoi?

"Just the old days.." Thinking about you.

Marco: There's no time for that. Go and save Y/N.

"How? She's stuck in jail."

Marco patted his shoulder. "Well then figure out a way to reduce her time then. I'm going to have pops and Thatch look into more in this matter, we can't have our little y/n stuck there shall we?"

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