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(Back to the original plot.)


Sanji's wedding day upclose

LinLin: Listen up kids, this wedding is very important. We are going to become more successful with this alliance, so make sure you don't ruin this.

Peros: Mama!

LinLin: Yes my boy?

Peros: Katakuri is here.


Katakuri walked casually inside the house, he looked at Mama with a sincere look but glared at Peros.

Peros smirked at him. He came closer to Kat and patted his shoulders.

"I knew you would show up little brother," he said.

Katakuri shifted his body away from him, he wanted to introduce someone to his mother.

Kat: Mama, I have someone I want you to see.

LinLin: Ouu I wonder if it's a chef!

Kat: Darling, come in.

Everyone gasped at those words and was shocked when a beautiful woman appeared beside him.

Kat: I want you to meet my wife; Y/n.

"Nice to meet you. I am y/n."

LinLin: What is this? *she gave a furious look at Kat*

Kat: I just wanted to let you know, I wasn't having a fun time alone since I heard you want all of us to get married. So here's my surprise!

LinLin: Do you have any children?

Kat: No.

LinLin: Well then, I hope you are happy. I am just a bit disappointed that I wasn't invited to the wedding.

Kat: It wasn't intentional, it happened so fast.

LinLin: Let me hear the story! *giggles*

Peros burst a glare at Katakuri, he was mad, that all the attention was going to him. He tried to get mamas attention when she said to him

Linlin: Peros! You're the oldest, I'm more disappointed in you that your younger siblings got married before you. You should be ashamed of yourself


Peros clenched his hands and fakely smiled at Linlin while nodding his head.

Katakuri and you were having the centre of attention, making you guys very uncomfortable at the same time. Linlin ask a bunch of questions about having her grandchildren and etc.

Your thoughts: Um..This is so awkward...

Kat glances at you and patted your shoulders. He smiled, giving you the assuring eyes of "It's okay, just ignore what she says. I'll do the talking."

After hours of talking with Linlin, you guys headed out, observing the area. You wanted to Sanji real badly, the strawhats must've worried sick about not finding him.

Good thing I left them an anonymous noticed to lay low for a couple of months before his wedding.

You and Katakuri glanced at the maids that were rushing to Linlin by now, notifying her that Doflamingo is visiting her. You smirked and headed your way with Kat to set some traps before this wedding.

You guys decided to knock off some elders in the way aka Katakuri siblings.

You headed your way to the women rooms where the strongest sister was in; Charlotte Smoothie.

You went in with a grinned, looking at a beautiful silver women brushing her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. She turned around and looked at you confusedly.

Smoothie: Who the heck are you?

"Uh.. i'm your sis--"

Smoothie: Ah I know!

"You do?"

Smoothie: Mhm, you are the new servant that brother Peros talked about. Come in and throw in the trash that was lying here for days.

"Wait bu--"

Smoothie: I didn't ask you to talk. Do it. *she glared at you*

You sighed and went with what she said. You grabbed the trash bag, you yelled her name.

"Hey Smoothie, here you go!"

She looked at you, and you threw the garbage at her face, noticing that there was a leakage on the bag.

She screamed her lungs out. "You You..." she said with shock.

You smirked and quickly twirled your way to hide her mouth; injecting her with a sleep injection. She fell asleep and you tied her up with a sea prison rope just in case.

You knew she doesn't have any powers, but she's strong in physical contact. You dragged her into a storage room that had a lock in it.

You went on with the plan. You decided to head the kitchen and inspected the food around.

You saw a uniform and wore it. You threw in some poisonous toxins into the food that was specific made for Charlotte and Vinsmoke Family. The effects was paralysis for a couple of hours.

The plan was simple, make everyone who are a threat completely weak. Kat and Doffy will take care of his family, you were focusing on Sanji. You knew the Strawhats would come, you informed them the plan secretly without letting Doffy and Kat know.
The letter your wrote:

This is your lucky day. Usually, I wouldn't be nice to help others, but your friend, Vinsmoke Sanji wedding will be held at XXX hall after exactly this month when you received this letter. Be aware, and also we will be planting some poisonous food to the guests so be sure to not eat anything.

P.S. That was specifically towards the foolish Captain, Monkey D. Luffy.

--Your Saviour.


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