My MC rating ships

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/_/before this chapter actually starts,I want to explain a few things:
1. The reason I did my MC and not just MC is because everyone has a different opinion
2. I gave my MC the name 'Cecerious' /_/

<Fram x MC>
Cecerious: I like her,but not romantically.

<Johan x MC>
Cecerious: I can say the same here. The same will go for any other ships with my knights.

<Rouin x MC>
Cecerious: He's really helpful and a  great person,but we don't have that kind of relationship.

<Charles III. x MC>
Cecerious: No. Definately not.

<Lucilicca x MC>
Cecerious: She's a great person. Actually,I... I think I would date her if she asked.

/-/Let's see Luciliccas opinion (My AU)/-/
Lucilicca: I do love him... If he would feel the same for me I would ask him,but then there's also other people who love him.

<Laphlaes x MC>
Cecerious: He's hot,but I wouldn't date him. (If it was actually me I would faint if Laphlaes just hugged me)

<Lairei x MC>
Cecerious: I don't think we would even fit together.

<Dhurahan x MC>
Cecerious: Uhm,what–

<Helga x MC>
Cecerious: She's too old for me. Also,no.

<Walther x MC>
Cecerious: Also too old for me,and just no.

<Lumie x MC>
Cecerious: I don't think we fit together,but what I do think is that Rosanna and her fit together perfectly.

<Alev x MC>
Cecerious: She isn't quiete my type,and she has a land to take care of.

<Aslan x MC>
Cecerious: Same opinion as with Helga and Walther. I also think that I couldn't catch up with his energy.

<Astrid x MC>
Cecerious: She's a bit weird,but that doesn't matter. I don't think I would be able to keep up with her energy.

<Nine x MC>
Cecerious: No,he's still a child. And he's also kind of Laphlaes' child.

<Joshua x MC>
Cecerious: No. Just no.

<Cesaire x MC>
Cecerious. I do not trust her,and I don't think that she is good.

<Kartis x MC>
Cecerious: I see him more like an older brother.

<Syphfriede x MC>
Cecerious: She's nice and very strong,but I can't see myself dating her.

<Brandon x MC>
Cecerious: He already has Raligon. (I ship Brandon x Raligon)

<Raligon x MC>
Cecerious: He's nice,but he already has brandon.

<Ondal x MC>
Cecerious: He's nice and strong,and I can actually see us together. The thing is that he's from a different time,which is a huge problem.

I'm too lazy to continue this,so here's the end of this chapter! There might be a part 2 of this,idk. Also,please tell me I'm not the only one who ships Ondal x MC–

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