More AUs

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Lucilicca x MC marriage AU:
Lucilicca and MC married and are now a couple. Do I need to say more?

Ondal x MC couple AU:
MC never managed to get back to his/her time and decided to live with Ondal as a couple.

Famous AU (In our universe):
The characters in the game live in the real world and have no magic abilities,but somehow some of them managed to become famous.

Modern AU:
There are multiple people in each land who decide what to do. MC isn't a monarch anymore and is living a normal life with his/her partner. Flying cars and other stuff exists. I really want to live there.

Daycare AU:
All the monarchs,archmages and the president of Isola turned into children and the knights have to take care of them.

Heaven & Hell AU:
Everyone is either in heaven or hell (your choice). Monarchs,archmages and the president of Isola have any kind of wings,the knights and civiliens do not.

Angel AU:
MC has angel wings and a halo. You can choose the reason your MC has them,I can't decide the story of your MC.

Devil AU:
MC has horns and a tail (you can decide if your MC has wings too). You can choose the reason for your MC here too.

Dead AU:
MC died. You can choose when and how. It isn't my MC we're talking about here.

I'm so sorry!!!!
I'm really not creative when it comes to stuff like this,atleast not in the middle of the night. Btw,I don't really know if 'Daycare AU' is right,so I apologise if It's wrong. Also,if you want to see an AU more detailed,comment it. If you want you can choose and/or modify some things,if you do not wish to do that,then I will do it how I imagine it. I should probably go to sleep now. Have a good day/night!

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