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This is a more personal chapter, so feel free to skip it!

Today in school we had to stand in front of the class and present a group project (about scotland), so me and my 2 friends divided the texts we had to say. I got two small texts and so did my closest friend, however, the leftover friend only had 1 text. The easiest one. That wasn't really the problem though. The problem was me. When I stood in front of the class I was shaking so bad because I was so nervous. I had difficulties breathing and couldn't look at the class, so instead I looked at some cards I held in my hand (on the cards was written what I have to say in case I forgot). When it was my turn to talk it started out good, but I got quieter over time and had to pause in the middle because I couldn't breath. Instead of doing anything or at least asking if I'm alright, the teacher just waited. You could hear me breathing heavily through the entire room. I thought I was gonna pass out. I continued anyway because I had to get a good grade so my mother wouldn't be mad. When we sat at our tables again I had such a headache that I couldn't comprehend what the others said for their projects. The reason I made this chapter is to ask if anyone knows what I can do to calm down (not be so nervous anymore)?

I apologize for this chapter, I just felt like I needed to at least tell someone about this.

Have a good day/night!

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