Cold Winters/4

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Rouins story:

"I want to tell you a story of our beloved monarch,MC. When they were a child,they loved to run away,which caused a lot of trouble. Especially for the ones who were supposed to look after them. One time,they had hidden in the kitchen,and the cook at that time found them eating cookies that were meant for christmas. It was quite funny when the knights and all were all running around trying to find that child. Haha."

"I think their highness is embarrassed..." <------ Mikhail

"They are really red,aren't they?" <------ Lyn

"Cute...." <------ Johan,whispering

Hope you enjoyed this! Be ready for one more chapter today, because I'm in an unusually good mood and have more than enough time to write things! The next ones will be (can be changed);


Have a good day/night! :D

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