Sorry,more AU's

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Shooting star AU:
MC is a shooting star who has fallen to earth as an answer to people wishing for a friend.

Opposite AU:
Everyone basically just acts opposite of how they would usually act.

Swapped AU:
Kartis and MC are swapped. The rest is your choice.

Happy end AU:
MC and Kartis managed to defeat the calamity with everyone else and now everyone is happy,except Cesaire because she doesn't deserve it.

Kids play AU:
Everyone is a kid and the whole story was a play done by those kids. Of course the story would be more childish in this AU because the kids made the play.

Endless lives AU:
MC keeps on failing to defeat Kartis and ends up in an endless loop like him. (I know this isn't possible because there's a limited amount of lives provided by the chronicles but let's just ignore that)

Duck AU:
They're all ducks. They all crave bread. Especially Mikhail.

God/Goddess AU:
MC is secretly (or openly,you can choose) a god/goddess. I think MC would be the god/goddess of freedom or peace since that's his goal and it fits.

Yandere AU:
MC is a Yandere and worships their love interest like a god/goddess.

Love interest AU:
MC is the one who the yandere (choose whoever you ship with MC) fell in love with and they worship MC like a god/goddess (although some people already do that *cough* Johan *cough*)

Now I'll explain my AU. This is gonna be very complicated and you can skip it if you want. Okay,so,in my AU MC knows things he/she shouldn't know without Mu's help. He/she knows stuff about the past,where he/she wasn't alive yet. He/She is also very perceptive,noticing even the slightest change in magic. Since other people don't expect him/her to know that much,they think they can use him/her which ends up as him/her using them. He also has a friend who can basically turn into a shadow and that friend is a secret knight who's always there in case anything happens. I made a lot of this up and it's so far from canon but that honestly doesn't bother me.

Anyway,have a good day/night!

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