Cold Winters/3

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Johans story!

"There was once a monarch who was loved by all who knew him. Platonically,of course. But there was one knight,who truly fell for his lord. He kept saying to himself,'I serve him,we can't be lovers,I shouldn't feel like this,'and so on. With that,the knight kept in his feelings,and started to grow distant. The monarch,however,always managed to pull his knight closer,with confidence unrivaled by even the gods. That made the knight admire his crush even more,which was a problem. After that,the knight started daydreaming about his beautiful lord. Once the monarch had noticed,he kept teasing his very handsome knight about it. The end."

"That was... interesting?" <------ MC

"Is that story perhaps about you,Johan?" <------ Rouin

"I can hook you and MC up sometime,don't worry." <------ Lyn

"...What does 'hook up' mean?" <------Mu

...Aaand that was it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Aftermath of some of the winter chapters might come at the start of the new year! Also,sorry this is so late. It got a little delayed because of school and stuff.

Anywayyy,options for next chapter;

Wondering why this wasn't a scary-ish story? Because it isn't halloween. Have a good day/night!

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