Cat ears 2

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Notes: MC cat,Normal before Gallus

"What the hell happened here?" Rosanna sounded more confused than angry, but Johan was sure that she was mad. Afterall, who wouldn't be if the most determined person you ever met, who unified many nations under their flag was right in front of them, with ears and a tail, playing with a cat toy that their knight was holding? Johan trembled slighty and explained

"Well, Lyn made a potion and their highness tested it... It turned out to be a potion that turns people into something similar to catkin. The only difference is that they have the urge to eat cat food and play with basically everything..." Rosanna looked at him in disbelief, even more so when Johan added a quiet "But they do look cute like this..."

Mikhail, who was currently occupied with the cat toy in his hand, decided to do a more simple explanation; The Lord turned into a half-cat. Rosanna was furious. Why did something like this have to happen only a week before they planned to attack Gallus? And why a cat? But there are some things not even the gods know. For example, why would Johan be the top if the Lord is determined and mischievious?

There was no answer to that. And there wasn't a solution to the current problem. Nobody knew how long the potion would last, not even it's creator. Some were scared, some were worried, and some were admiring the cute Lord (guess who?) with their big cat ears and fluffy tail, playing with a cat toy that a white haired knight was holding.

As Rosanna approached the monarch, they turned their head towards her slowly and lowered their arms that were chasing the cat toy. The blond was able to look down at them, as they were on their back, arms and ears up, tail wagging. Rosanna couldn't help but thinking the same as Johan, and probably everyone else too. The monarch did look cute. However, only in a child-like way. Afterall, she was much older than everyone here. Although the Lord's age was still not a disclosed topic.

I wish I could have continued this ;-;
But I lost motivation anyway, so it doesn't matter. Also, I'll leave the notes in just so everyone already knows what happens in this chapter (and I feel like I'll forget what this is about myself if I ever read this again.) Have a good day/night!

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