'...I'll stay at your side.'

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Even though I felt a bit sick,I made my way into the forest fast. After all,I didn't want anyone to see me. But it seems someone did. I heard footsteps behind me,as quiet as they may have been. It was quite obvious that someone had followed me into the forest. I strolled past the trees,acting like I didn't know. When I was sure I'd catch them,I swung around. And there I saw something... unsettling. The person standing there was...

"Your majesty."

...the new nation's current king,who is close to the end of his journey.

"And who are you supposed to be? Some merchant wandering around?"

His tone was quite rude,which I didn't appreciate. But who cares for formalities anyway,right?

"Since you asked in such a rude manner,let me introduce myself in the same manner. My name is unimportant,same with my age. I'm not a merchant,I'm someone you disturbed. So you should shut your mouth and go back to your little castle."

The King of that new nation,who I actually quite respect,looked at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Never seen someone be rude to you before?"

I don't even enjoy talking like that. It's what I despise most,but it's an effective way to get rid of annoying people. It seems that it had worked that time too.


He walked away with an unsatisfied look,and so did I. We walked in opposite directions,so all I did was walk out of the forest again. That was truly a waste of my time. Nevertheless,my goal stays the same. To reach somewhere I can recognize. The king of rhodon being in that forest meant that I was close to rhodon,which I didn't want. It was a huge problem for me actually. I don't like interacting with people that have a shorter lifespan than me. All they'll do is get me attached to them and then leave me alone to rot at the end of the world. If I met just one person who.... Nevermind. That isn't possible.

As I walked along the shore I felt the presence of a majestic,very old beast. A dragon. The same one that had saved me from falling. Dying,to be exact. I looked around but could not find where it was. All of a sudden,the presence dissapeared. I feared something might have happened,but then I remembered it's a dragon. It can brutally murder people without hesitation. Shred them apart with their sharp claws that can pierce through a whale sharks skin in seconds. Not only that,but they are believed to breath fire,ice or whatever you can imagine. From my experience,they don't do that. But I have only watched them from afar. I didn't want them to waste their time on a body as fragile as mine.

"Thinking about things?"

I knew that voice,who interrupted my walk. With widened eyes,I turned around. It was him. The one person I didn't want to see.

Sorry, but this will be discontinued forever! This is one of the chapters that I avoided finishing the most, for no reason whatsoever. I decided that I'll upload the chapters one by one, so that you guys have at least half a chapter of each one. Also, there's one chapter that I really want to finish, so it might still take some time for this book to be completely discontinued. And if I happen to publish all chapters tomorrow, I'm probably in the hospital. Have a good day/night! :]

LoH StuffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz