Hi! Let's talk for a bit.

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I'm sorry,I said I'll take a long break,and it wasn't really that long,but I wanted to talk a bit since I have no friends.

So,first of,let's talk about why I keep taking breaks. I don't really have a reason for it,I just sometimes feel like I need a break for a few days,maybe even weeks. But to be honest,in the last few days I haven't been feeling good. I'm not sick,I just don't feel good. All I want to do is sleep the entire day (the only thing keeping me from doing that is Lord of Heroes). Anyway,let's talk about something else.

A few days ago,I made a second account on Lord of Heroes. Now I have an account with a male MC (Cecerious) and a second account with a female MC (Aville). On my second account I established (did I spell that right?) an alliance,so if you haven't joined one yet,you can join mine! It's called Favourite because I couldn't come up with anything else. Also,what should be the next chapter? More AUs? Incorrect quotes 3? Behind the scenes 2? Just more talking?

Did you know I have a tiktok account?

It's called aville_cecerious (for obivious reasons)

If you want,you can check it out! I'm planning to make videos of different games there,but I don't know if I should do it. (You can probably find my account by just searching for Aville)

Did you know that I really like to draw and write? I wrote a few stories in real life,but None of them are finished because I'm too lazy to finish them. And my drawings aren't perfect,but I'm trying my best. To be honest,I think I'm better at building in the sims 4 than at drawing,and I'm not a great builder. I also really like to read,especially comics. My family tells me I'm creative and too lazy to use my creativity,but to be honest,I'm not creative at all. Let's stop talking about me,what do you like to do?

So,what now? I have no idea what to do now. I think I'll just listen to music and try to sleep. Have a good/night.

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