'Until the sun sets..'

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Perspective: Male MC
AU: Ancient
Timeline: Rhodon was just founded

I looked at the people who were starting to build more houses. Didn't they already have enough? They were loud. I could hear then from a cliff near the sea.


I recognised the voice coming from behind me.


I looked down the cliff and jumped, hoping not to get hurt. I didn't even look behind me to make sure it was him. I just knew it. Before I even touched the ground slightly,I felt a weird texture under my body. I opened my eyes,slightly confused,and the weird texture was...


I was laying on top on something that had scales. I sat up and looked around. The creature had horns,wings,a tail,and it was big. It was definately a dragon. I kindly asked it to bring me down,but it either didn't understand or it didn't want to. I decided to crawl in the direction of it's head,then I pet it,which must have been quite a surprise to the black coloured creature,since it suddenly flew down. Or rather,fell down. When it touched the ground,well,hit it,I tumbled down. I landed on the plain sand,which was hot from the sun. I closed my eyes and relaxed for a bit.

When I opened my eyes again,the dragon was already gone. I sat up and looked at my surroundings,hoping to find out my current location. Sadly,I had no idea where I was whatsoever. There were no signs of a forest,a city,or anything else. It was just sand,stone,and the sea. I wandered around a little until I found 
a rather nice cave. Since the evening was to come,and I had no place to stay,I invited myself in. Luckily,the cave didn't seem to be occupied. I walked deeper into the cave,until I found a somewhat comfortable spot. I sat down,resting my head on the wall.
Slowly closing my eyes,I whisper to myself in a sort of creepy manner.

"One,seven,three.... One plus seven minus four... plus seven?"

It was about a riddle I encountered before meeting 'him'. It was a series of numbers,and the dots imply that it has to be continued,but when does it need to end? Or does it never end? That is something I haven't found out until
now,but those numbers have guided me through the toughest of times.

One. My home was destroyed. Not that bad,as I didn't know anyone too well. At that time I thought it was a coincidence. Seven. Destruction was brought upon the land where I have lived since my home was destroyed. It was loud,disturbing and unnecessary. Many people lost their lives,some whose fate was intertwined with those of others. Their life has ended before their journey through the world. It's sad. That could still be coincidence. Lastly,three. A new Nation called "Rhodon" was established. Near the place I currently reside in. I don't like loud noises,nor do I like socializing with others whose destiny is to become a nuisance to the people around them. If what I just talked about is really true,that means the next bad thing that will happen to me is gonna be bad. Really bad. 10/10 bad. In that cave,I might have ended up dying. The reason for that being that it broke down a few minutes After I left and searched for any sign of a nearby forest. I could tell by the noise that appeared when I finally reached a sea of trees. A forest.

That was it for this part! I hope you enjoyed this chapter,which was longer than usual. The next part of this chapter will be longer,and reveal a lot of things. Also,the reason MC was talking about fate and destiny and stuff is because (as I already said in the AU chapter) this AU is basically the AU I use for my MC,and how I imagine it is that MC has lived for a very long time and learned how to guess peoples destiny/fate correctly. I hope you enjoyed this,have a good day/night!

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