Cold Winters/5

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Lyns story:

"In a small village in the mountains, there was a tiny stage in the middle of it, and everyday a strange person wearing a white robe with a hood jumped onto the stage and started telling storied. Some people were skeptical ,some were amused, and some were cautious. However, even after over 10 years, the storyteller hasn't dissappeared, and he didn't seem to age. But his stories became more realistic over time. So realistic even that the kids weren't allowed to listen to his stories anymore. After not even a month, he lost all his listeners. Without an audience and motivation, the storyteller left to find a new stage for him to tell his stories. He walked gor days, weeks even, but couldn't find anywhere he was welcome. He then died from hunger. The end. While we're at it,I'm hungry. Do we have marshmallows?"

"That was kind of dramatic." <------Mikhail

"I can get some cookies for you." <------ MC

"I'll get some cookies!" <------Fram

Have a good day/night!

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