Cat ears

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Let's see the characters reaction to seeing MC wear cat ears!

Timeline: Before the last boss fight (Gallus east) Difficulty normal

Ships: Lucilicca x MC

<The knights>

Charlotte: You look so cute,your highness!

MC: Thank you Charlotte.

Fram: I agree with Charlotte! You should wear them more often :D

Johan: I think that would be a bit too much...

Zaira: I agree with whoever his/her highness agrees with.

Charlotte: I think the cat ears would suit Mikhail!

Mikhail,blushing (embarrased): ....

MC: Haha,they would.

<Rodon (excluding Zaira)>

Charles III: Ew.

MC: Excuse me?

Charles III: What do you expect me to say? You took over my nation.

MC: I guess that's fair,but still.

Krom: I think the cat ears suit him/her.


Lucilicca,blushing: Um... Uh... *Looks away embarrassed*

Laphlaes: I think she likes it.

MC,covering his face with his hands: I... Just shut up please..

Laphlaes: Young love is great.


Lairei: You look quite cute.

MC: Thank you...

Dhurahan: Why are you so red?

MC: I.. Lucilicca saw... *sigh*

Dhurahan: Oh. I see.


Rosanna: Tch... How childish.

Helga: Saying something like that with that baby face of yours. I just can't take it seriously. *chuckles*

Walther: Helga,she's your preside- your former president and your elder,treat her with respect.

Helga: I am your elder too,why don't you treat me with respect?

Walther: I... Uh...

MC: Aren't we supposed to be here so you can react to me with cat ears?

Helga: Right,I think it fits you well.

Walther: ....


Lumie: Aw,you look so cute! You should wear them more often! Actually,we should buy the others some cat ears too! I know where we can find them. Also,I saw someone walking around with cat ears yesterday. They were really fancy! We should buy those fancy ones! But I don't know where to find them. We would need to search for a shop,but that wouldn't be a big problem,right?

MC: Maybe another day.


Aslan: Haha,you look good!

MC: Thank you.

Alev: They suit you well.


Cesaire: What the...

Nine: Um...

Astrid: Lookin' good ya' highness!

MC: Thank you,Astrid....?

Olivia: It fits you.

MC: Thank you Olivia.

Vanessa: It really does suit you.

MC: Thank you.

Joshua: Tch... I think you look awful compared to his majesty.

Kartis: . . .

Please tell if there are any characters that I missed! I also noticed that I missed some characters in the My MC rating ships chapter,so I will make part 2 of that. I will also probably draw my MC with cat ears and a tail because why not? You'll see in one of the upcoming chapters! Also,I will be making a part 2 of this,which will take place in hard mode,after that I'll probably make extreme,but first I have to beat the boss ;-;

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