"When the working day is done"

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You enter Starcourt mall with your stripped off the shoulder sweater and baggy jeans. On your right was your sister Erica. Most weekdays the day starts with this. While you work your sister Erica roams the mall with her friends. Multiple times a week your a confronted with a security guard telling you to keep an eye on your puffy haired sibling. Although you try your best you can't control the bratty thing you call your little sister.
"Don't get in trouble. I don't want to have to deal with another security officer." She rolled her eyes to your statement
"Meet in front of claire's by 8. Yes I know." She replies annoyed as you waved Erica off. You headed straight to the food court to visit your friend Robin at scoops ahoy before your shift at Claire's. You walk into the bright store with blue and white checkered floors. The first thing you hear is the annoying voice of of the one and only Steve Harrington. You always wondered what his deal was. The customers in front of you start walking out the store with their ice cream cones in hand. One with ginger hair and a strawberry cone in hand leans over to the girl on her left and whispers in her ear. You couldn't make out what they had said but assumed it was something about you or the egotistical brown haired man at the counter. They walked past you with annoyed facial expression on their faces. You proceed to walk towards the counter as steve turns the opposite direction to face robin with a white board that reads "You rule | You suck". You giggle at the sight of the board as robin draws another check mark under the You suck category.
"You are o for 6 Popeye." You hear her voice say as she reads Steve's results on the board. He sighs.
"Yea I can count." he replies defeated. You walk up closer to the counter.
"You know that means you suck, right?" You say to annoy Steve. The brown eyed man turns around at your familiar voice. His eyes stare daggers into your soul.
"Oh, You." Steve says with an annoyed face. Clearly irritated by your presence.
"The one and only." You say with a wide smirk on your face. "Did you miss me harrington?" You glance behind Steve to see if robin is still behind the counter but she has seemed to disappeared. He scoffed at your comment and replied.
"Eh i've been doing a whole lot better without you and your shitbag boyfriend." You tense up when steve says the word boyfriend. Thinking of the uncomfortable memories surrounded with the thought of him. You shake it off and reply by simply saying "ex boyfriend." Steve rolls his eyes and walks to the back room. You bring your hand over the bright yellow bell that happens to right in your eye sight. You press on it a few times and then shout over the counter.
"Hello!! Harrington?! Buckley?! You have a customer." You say as you procced to ring the bell. You hear murmurs from the backroom. You figured it was Steve planning to get rid of you.
"Jeez Sinclair." Robin says while walking out the back door, shutting it behind her. You chuckled a bit at the sight of steve in the store window. You find yourself drifting off into your mind about how it would be if maybe, just maybe you were with steve and billy. He probably would have been so much better. To be fair he was kind of attractive.
"Hey y/n?" you hear robins voice and it pulls you out of your train of thought.
"Well look who finally came." You joke as Robin nervously laughs "I never pictured you as the type to work with Steve harrington."
"I'm not. He's not the ideal co-worker." You two walk over to the nearest open booth and sit down. Robin rambles on about how annoying steve Harrington can be on the daily. You find your eyes focused back on steve and only half listening to robin.
"I wonder why." You say continuing to look at the guy snacking on a banana through the window. You let your mind roam free for a bit. That's when you feel something drip on your thigh and look down to see blood. You figured it was once another nose bleed. Its only Tuesday and you had a experienced them quite often.
"Damn it. This is the third time this week." You pull your sleeve over your hand and wipe the underside of your nose. The blood stains the inside of your bright purple sleeve. You look down at your sleeve in disgust and adjusted it to the proper length.
"Maybe you should get that checked out." Robin says grabbing a few napkins. "I mean like what if it's something serious, Like like a disease and you wouldn't know until you go to a doctor. Maybe you should keep a list of when you have all these nose bleeds and like."
"I'm fine rob." You say trying to stop her from rambling on. Robin holds out the pile of napkins she picks up. You take the napkins from robin and stop the bleeding. "I'm gonna go tidy my self up in the bathroom." You say as you walk off in a semi panic. After walking around for a bit you make it to the bathroom to fix what had happened. You grab a paper towel and turn on the fossette. Running the towel under the water and trying to clean the blood on your jeans and sweater. You struggle in getting it off in the short amount of time before you have to clock in for your shift.  In within 3 minutes it got to a state where the blood was lighten and just looked like you had spilled ketchup on yourself. You throw the towel in the restroom and walk out the bathroom to check into Claire's.
Nearing the end of your shift, you start to close up the shop as the store's phone starts to ring. You go to answer it. You had found it quite strange because store closes at 7. So why are they calling at 6:50. The phone continues to ring until you pick up the phone. You hear Foggy screaming and growling noises on the other line before a shock hits you and fries the phone. You drop the the phone in fear. You glance at the fried phone bellow you and pick it up. Then you grab a slip of paper and write "Get new phone. This one doesn't seem to be working properly". Since nobody else was showing up you figured you would close the story early in fear something or someone was after you. You flick off all the lights and grab the shop key locking it behind you. Outside the shop doors was Erica ready to be taken home for dinner. You two walk out the brightly colored mall and hop into your grey ford. You turn the engine on as Erica turned the radio. The song 'Girls just want to have fun plays' as You pull out of the parking lot of Starcourt.
You and erica arrive home with the scent of your mothers famous Mack and cheese hitting your face.
"We're home!" You shout from the door. Erica walks to the kitchen to start setting the table as you run upstairs and change clothes. You enter the poorly lit hallway and go to your right. You knock on the door.
"Ohhhhhh Luckey poo." You say trying to annoy your brother from behind the door. You hear him sigh. "what are you doing in there, Drugs?"
"No, no. I'm actually doing your mom." he says jokingly.
"Oh shut up." You playfully roll your eyes and start to walk away. You turn to your left and open your bedroom door. You kick off your shoes to feel the plush carpet under your feet. You walk towards your dark wood vanity and open a drawer. You pull out a pair of biker shorts and a light blue hoodie. You change into the clothes you had picked out. You walk towards a table in the far side of your room and pull out a random record, not caring about which song plays. You move to your waterbed that was decorated in a floral print you had picked out a few years back. You grab a magazine that had that reads "seventeen" and start to flip through it as the album 'Never for ever' by Kate Bush plays in the back. A few minutes later you hear your mom yell up the stairs that it is time for dinner. You place the magazine on your bed side table and hop off your bed. Forgetting the music playing, You slip on your slippers and walk out the door. You ran down the stairs and turned into the dining room archway. You pull out your chair and sit down. The room was filled with an awkward silence as nobody wanted to be the first one to talk.
"So how was everybody's day." You mother says to clear the uncomfortable air.
"Good! Will, Dustin, max and I went to Weathertop to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Lucas says with food in his mouth. You look at him in disgust as a Mack and Cheese noodle falls from his face.
"What-" You question, considering you had always known Dustin to be the type to date.
"Yea exactly, we stayed their for hours trying to contact her. I think he's lying." He proceeds to say with food in his mouth. Erica scoffs at the fact you guys are talking about the friends she thinks are "nerds".
"Lucas. Please stop speaking with your mouth full." Your father warned. "It's not polite." Another uncomfortable silence passes by.
It was about 3 hours after dinner and you had planned to meet your best friend Eddie in his trailer in around 30 minutes. Everyone in the house fast asleep so you had tried to be as quite as possible. You grab your guitar, sling it over your shoulder and put on a pair of slip on vans. You grab your keys and walk towards you window. You undo the locks and slip out onto the small piece of roof under your window. You jump down the rest of the way making a small thump noise. You walk around the house to your driveway, Still not trying to be too loud not to wake up your parents. You get to your car and unlock the driver's seat door. You hop in, put your guitar in the passenger seat and start the engine. In within 15 minutes you make it to eddies trailer. You pull into the driveway and turn off the engine. A figure with longish curly hair walks out the door and shuts it slowly behind him. The man spots you and waves. You get out your car and grab your guitar from the passanger seat. You slowly walk on the gravel that leads up to the stairs into the small space.
"Well if it isn't the pretty girl." He says giving you a fist bump.
"Hello Munson." You say as he gestures you into the trailer. You were instantly greeted with the smell of heavy cologne probably used to mask a separate smell. Eddie walks to the back of the trailer to grab his guitar as you sit on the couch in the corner. The couch was odd, it was comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time. You try adjusting yourself to the feel. You wait a bit for Eddie to come back but he was taking a bit so you start to tune the guitar and play the tune of back in black by AC/DC. You start to play the correct chords as Eddie walks back.
"Don't get ahead of yourself Sinclair." Eddie says as walks back into the living room. You look up at the man with a reddish guitar in his hand. Eddie sits next to you and starts to tune his electric guitar. You two play a bit of guitar together. You grab your notepad to figure out more lyrics to the song you and Eddie were working on. He proceeds to play the tune as you hum the possible lyrics.
"Want anything to drink, Sinclair?" Eddie offers as he props up the guitar on the side of the couch.
"Anything works." You respond only have caring because you were so focused on the song. Eddie walks into the back and opens the fridge. He pulls out two beers and walk towards the both of you. He hands you the drink and you thank him. You guys continue playing for a while before you decide to head home.

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