"Help this blackbird, Wake the witch"

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You turn back around to see Billy getting out of the flaming car. You form an orb in your hand for precaution and start to walk toward the man. 
"So we meet again." You say gaining the man's attention. The black veins you had seen in the sauna reappear on the man. He starts to walk toward you causing you to step back a bit. "Billy, Why do you want us? We have done nothing to you." You say trying get answers.
"I do not want you. He does." Billy explains as he gets closer to you.
"Who is he?" Billy doesn't respond to your question causing you to get angry. "Billy, Who is he!" You raise up your hand and throw the orb at the man causing him to fall back a bit. The man groans in pain.
"He is in charge. In control." He murmurs. You form another orb in your hand.
"I Need you to tell me who he is. Who is in control Billy" You shout at the man. 
"I am." Another voice says from Billy's body. This voice was awfully familiar. 
"I don't understand." You shout at the man as you got rid of the orb. 
"It's me y/n. You can't remember your poor old dad." The man inside of Billy says. Memories comeback to you. The voice is him. Your father, The one you have been dreading for a while, The one in your nightmares. You respawn the orb back in your hand. 
"You are not my father." You say angrily as you walk closer to the man. "Fathers, care for their daughters, not torture them into wielding magic." You yell. 
"I Just taught you how to use it. You are a monster y/n! Something that wasn't supposed to be a part of nature. I trained you. I made you. You are nothing without me." The man rambled as he got closer to you. Tears started to fall from your eyes.
"You are nothing to me." You say before throwing another orb at the man causing him to fall back once more. "I am not a monster." You gain an extra orb in your hand. You close your eyes without moving you felt your body transport towards the man. You whisper in his ear. "You are." You use the orb to blast into the mans back and try to transport back. You body just stays put. You start to run back away from the man but he catches up. You slowly stand back panting. You form an orb in each hand as the man gets closer to you. 
"You can't run y/n." The man says this time in billy's voice. You aim the orbs at the mans legs, You miss the first one. The man limps closer to you. You start to back away. While walking backwards you move your hands in a circular motion to form an orb but nothing happens. Your nose starts to bleed as the man gets closer and closer. Your breath gets heavier as fear starts to paint over your body.
"Please." You whimper as your eyes start to water. The man is now a few inches away from you. Before you can get the chance to run or at least walk some more the man Grabs you by the neck and lifts you up. Struggling for air you kick the man over and over. With your free hand you try to form an orb but fail.
"You can't out power me y/n." The other mans voice appears once more. Your eyes start to close themselves as you kept trying to force them open. Then all of a sudden You feel yourself fall onto the concrete of the parking lot. You turn your body with the energy you have left to see billy walk towards what you make to be El, Mike and Max running back into the mall before you black out once more.
You wake up in Steve's arms. You turn your head left and right to see where you were. 
"Hey, I got you." Steve whispers. You start to panic.
"He has them, He has max, El and mike." You say franticly as Steve walks while holding on to you tight.
"What do you mean?" The man questions as he proceeds to walk.
"Billy, he has the Max and them." You say worried. 
"Shit" You hear Steve say under his breath. "You guys we gotta hurry. Billy has the others." He shouts. You hear the others rush behind. They had fireworks in their hands just like Lucas had planned. You guys all make it inside of the mall. Steve put you down as you all run up the stairs to the balcony. El was lied on the floor with Billy and the mind flayer right in front of her. The group splits up, You decide to stay with Steve and Robin considering you were still in a weakened state. From the other side you see Lucas light a firework and throw it at the monster. Stopping it from getting El. The monster wails in pain. Before Lucas grabs another one and yells
"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" He throws the other firework and it explodes in the monsters mouth. The monster screeches in pain and backs away. That's when Nancy throws one at the beast. Steve following there after. You guys all took turns throwing the fireworks at the monster and having the heat sting it in the moment. You could hear Billy groan from a far and see el start to back away from the situation. Billy turns around to see el backing away and drags her back to the monster. You guys hear el scream from afar.
"We're almost out." Will screams from a distance.
"I know!" You hear Lucas reply through the sounds of the fireworks going off. You go to throw a firework as you hear Steve scream into the walkie talkie.
"Dustin! We're out of time!" The man gets no response from the man on the other side of the radio. You go back to the basket to see if there are any more fireworks to throw. Sadly there were none.
"Damn it." You yell. You start to form an orb in your hand to throw at the monster before robin taps your shoulder.
"Don't" She says trying to help you out. "Your in enough pain from earlier. You're going to hurt yourself."
"I'll be fine." You say as you throw a powerful orb at the monster causing it to shriek in pain. From a distance you can hear el talking to Billy about something. But you proceeded to shoot the monster with your powers as the others used as many fireworks as they had left. 
"We're out!" Will shouts. You had a few shots left. The more and more you shot the hits got weaker until they were no more. Your nose started to bleed and you fell over. Robin helped you up and wrapped your arm around her neck.
"I got you." She said to reassure you. The monster started to walk towards Billy and the girl. Making snarling noises the more it went. The creature roared as it went towards Billy and el. Billy started to walk towards the monster. The monster opened it's mouth to attack el but Billy steps forward to the monster to block it with his hands. Billy starts to yell at the monster. You watch with your eyes wide open. Is this how it's gonna end. More tentacles come from the monster and latch itself onto the man causing him to scream in pain. Billy's arms fall from the monsters mouth as more tentacles eat away his skin. Your mouth hung open out of pure shock. You drag yourself away from robin and limp towards the railing of the second floor. Billy screams with blood dripping from his mouth. One more tentacle comes for his heart and rips it out.
"Billy!" Max shouts in agony. The other tentacles remove themselves from him causing his body to go limp fall to the ground. Your eyes start to water as you see max from below in shock. You find the nearest escalator and run down it. You run to max not caring if the monster takes you next. You end up behind the girl before the monster starts to lose balance and crash into the sides of the railing and falling to the floor. The flesh of the being starts to melt. Fire starts to flame up from the bottom of the monster causing the alarms to sound off. Mike runs to el and you follow max to Billy's body. 
"Billy?" Max says distraught at the sight of her brothers dead body. The man starts to gag on the blood in his throat. Max kneels down by his body and grabs his shoulders starting to shake him. "Billy, Billy, Get up please." She begs. "Billy, get up, Please, please." She says starting to cry. You fall to the ground beside them.
"I'm sorry." Billy seems to mutter out before going fully stiff. 
"Billy..." Max whines as her mouth hangs open. She starts to sob some more. "Billy, wake up. Billy, get up. Please, Billy." She begs. You start to cry. As much as you hate the man it still hurt, really hurt. Between max's reaction and just the sheer fact of watching someone you were once close to die. "Billy." Max sobs one more time before el grabs her and she falls back onto El's lap. El starts to comfort the girl as you sat behind them and sobbed. El starts to cry with you and max. You feel arms go around you. You turn around and cry into the masculine figure's lap. The man rubs the lower side of your back to try and comfort you. You wrap your arms around the mans waist and hug him tight. You guys sit there for a while before you guys start to hear sirens. 
"Hey, We gotta get up." Steve's voice whispers in your ear. You sit up at wipe the tears from under your eyes. Steve helps you up as you spot the other start to leave the building as well. You and Steve walk out hand in hand as you spot a few firefighters walking in. Once you get outside a few other firefighters guide you to a firetruck. Steve leads you two to a truck farthest away from the active fire. Steve sits down first and then pulls you into his lap. You latch onto the man in a very vulnerable state. The paramedic try talking to you multiple times but you seemed to get no words out. Steve simply shoos them away by simply telling them you are fine. After a while you start to fall sleep in the mans arms and he takes you back to your place. He lies you on your bed before dropping you off.
"Thanks Harrington." You thank the man one last time before he turns around and leaves you once again.
"Anytime Sinclair." He says kissing your forehead and leaving one last time.

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